A new idea for indi wars for Season 4!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by antonio00ro, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Hello people...

    This new type of wars has brought a new change to what wars used to be and i think is a good thing!
    The new system I think is fair and brings more people to war! So FOR THIS MATTER I strongly support it!

    So this is why I keep thinking about new ideas of improvement and I just came up with one! I hope you will like it! I've asked a few friends what they think and I had positive answers, so i think it worth trying it!

    Here is my idea for Season 4:
    There's 2 main reasons that for most of the people they don't want (can't) to do wars: 1 is ROSTER STACKING and 2nd is TIME ZONES AND SCHEDULE PROBLEM! also inactivity and so on, so I thought about a new idea of solving this problem;

    Making small teams of 5-6 players (same range) and wars every 2hours, 24h/day... (30 min sign-up, 30 min preparation and 1h war) maybe in weekends as people is more free... could try a different type or leave it like that all the time, Idk, devs could decide or you people can come with other idea!

    Also here troops must be automatically regenerated if you sign up in the last minute and you have troops empty as in 30 min there's no time for a full regen!

    Considering that wars are automated (no human interaction needed) I don't see this not happening!
    I think everyone has 2h free from time to time, and not to be forced any more to make your life schedule based on a game! that's stupid! (and many will agree I'm sure) I like the game but, this game is just a way of entertainment for me and nothing more!
    Also small teams of 5-6 players will be more fun more easy to control and less time to prepare for it!

    Will solve the stupid war schedule thing...
    Will bring more people to war!
    Will reduce inactivity... as u know when u have (2h) time free and to sign up for a war! (not being at work or with kids, wife bothering you lol, or other RL issues)
    You will be able to war 3-4 times in one day... for war fanatics with lots of time free... and also for people who have 1-2 days free per week and all the rest of it is impossible!
    And a few more... but now they don't cross my mind... damn! I'm sure you can come up with others!
    Devs will make more xtall sales as people will use them more

    More work for ATA servers! (this I am not sure if is the case... but i've kept this in mind also and only devs can clarify this... and if this whole thing is possible)
    I didn't find others!

    Mith, Rancor and EE level
    I was thinking of 2 changes...
    As now you can war way more then before.... rancor lvl can go way high! so I think we should get 1 level for every win and no downgrade for a loss as now is somehow difficult to win all the time... and also you have no control on team build up! i think will be frustrated to lose 2-3 matches in a row and lose all rancor! plus you never know if u will win more than 50% of all wars in the season! To get more rancor you just have to war more! I think this will be fair for all! Devs can make this available for EE lvl also...
    And make rancor and EE level expire in one week instead of 2! this way will force people to war more! Also a loss will not extend rancor and and EE.. you will have to get a victory to extend it, and is impossible to lose all the time if u war 5-6 wars a week!
    About mith i leave to devs to decide on this one... maybe lowering the amount u get for a win could be a good idea! as people will war more! but idk...

    I was thinking of a new way rewards can be given and also make them more desirable with more things to give, like you guys did with the moth, fang, eggs campaigns... adding aqua, inferno, seals, xtalls etc!
    So my idea is to give them along the way (progressively) ... example: at rancor 20 you get a ring equip and 5xtalls aqua inferno bla bla... at 35 u get gloves... 5xtals aqua bla bla... at 50 shoulder... and so on until u get the last equip at max rancor! and also u will get xtalls seals horns along the way! Now devs should calculate what should be the ladder for this rancor rewards... based on an average like how high can u go if u war every day... for example!!

    I think that's about it... I'm not sure lol but I think I've covered all my ideas!
    Any other ideas of improvement are very welcome! and also please give your feedback!
    I Hope you love the idea as I do... and also if you guys love it... I hope Devs will take it in consideration! also!!

    PS: I forgot to mention: I think having at least 1 xtall in inventory should be mandatory for casting woc! this way you will know that all team-mates have one! and can use it! Now depends on the war if you use it or not... of if that person will not use it in purpose! just an idea... this can go back and forth... i know... but i wanted to mention it also!

    Thank you all and have a great day/night! :D ;)
  2. Support!could replace ebs for some too
  3. Just make all wars Indy problem solved...
  4. sounds interesting!
  5. Support for time zone changes
  6. Never saw a this complete forum post lol. Good thinking goin there mate! It could be a solution for people who are bored from ebs. Maybe a good gold reward added randomly in the warrers like on fod eb?
  7. I think it a great idea. Fast and furious. Less hassle for WC and roster set up. War with a few mates and times no longer a issue. Support
  8. Meh, support
  9. Support. Been trying to do war for a while but the time zones always has me messed up
  10. Hmm only 10 replies... Honestly I was hoping for more... I guess people don't care... :/
  11. Half support. Too many reasons to explain tho so I'll just leave it at that
  13. So much support!
  14. There is no Indy wars in season wars stupid ass
  15. @Arkham

    And this is not RL stupid ass ...or maybe for you it is, and you need help! This is only a game... Not politics... everything can be changed!
  16. He's butt hurt. Your ideas suck get a life , ur the worst forumer I came across ever
  17. I have a life moron better then yours I'm sure! OK I'm not gonna argue with stupid people... they always win!
  18. I have more imp stuff to do...