A New EE Thought Regarding Builds and Super Pots

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlBlLIAIClKlISIMlOlKlEIl, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. First off, sorry if this has been previously suggested, but I don't often read forum, and, quite frankly, I have no dog in this fight having spurned EE wars since S1 ended and rampant exploitation became the norm. I had thought of this the day that the super pots were withdrawn but have been too lazy to put thought to digital paper and actually articulate my idea.

    I have done some testing regarding how certain builds pay out to others. For a full T6BC build to hit down to 15M cs they get approximately 80% of what they would earn vs. a comparable T6BC; 12M cs about 70%; 10M about 50%; and thereafter a rapid precipitous decline down to as little as 1-3%.

    The problem with the current pay out system is that there is a dichotomy between a kingdom's plunder potential - how many active soldier/spy builds ie how many lands it has open and built upon - and a kingdom's ability to be plundered - determined by its cs. It's this disconnect between how a kingdom plunders and how it pays out which lies at the heart of the SH exploit.

    Take for example a 3M cs SH with 55 buildings compared to a theoretical 3M cs build that has just 3 T6 buildings. In a heads up comparison the SH would make ~45M hitting a big build; the 3 building kingdom would make ~5M. Why does this anachronism persist? Only the devs can say. It certainly made sense when the highest builds were T3 and lowlands were all you had. In today's kaw it does not.

    The other half of the SH problem revolves around what I term "pot advantage." By this I mean the advantage a fully potted attacker has over a fully potted defender. Currently it is 1.2M for attack and 1M for spy actions. With the new super pots, this advantage ramped up to 2.2M and 1.6M attack/spy respectively. Obviously this just exacerbated the problem and the devs withdrew the new super pots and rightly so.

    Given the above, my potential solution would be to restrict each tier of pots to a minimum cs range. My initial thought would be as follows:

    15M+ Able to use Dragon's Rage/Smog Screen
    12M+ Able to use Shrieking Portal/Prognosticator
    10M+ Able to use Hammer/Amulet
    8M+ Able to use Black Death/All-Seeing Eye

    Obviously this would require extensive beta testing to find the right ranges. Of course, the more elegant and thorough solution would be a complete revamp of plunder mechanics but this would likely be a monstrous undertaking with much bellyaching by that portion of the player base which is negatively affected.

    I hope also that the devs will consider implementing my other idea mentioned previously: kill the PS by requiring a kingdom to have a minimum of one spy and one soldier building.

    Looking forward to thoughtful questions or replies.
  2. I sort of like the idea about leveling pot usage by stats. Would be interesting.

    Ps eliminating idea is stupid though
  3. Support. 100% kind of like runescape mage levels. I like it
  4. What's wrong with PS? It's an easy build to make but a hard build to war with. It's not as simple as you are un-hit table if you have no gold out , you have to hide allies before match up, you have to have back up allies to buy if someone strips you. It's a very tough build to manage and requires a lot of effort/time to prepare it for war.
  5. I haven't seen it but I thought this myself. Pots should have more requirements to use. It is much easier to be T6BC and build 1.2mill adt and 1mill sdt than it is to be T4BC and build those towers. The pots are too unbalanced vs towers with current requirements!

    I also mentioned an idea of having plunder mechanics based off of your cs not your buildings.
  6. Or you could just eliminate plunder from wars all together. Assign each successful action a set ammount of points. The ko system stays the same as in a % of points is deducted for ko and sko. It would encourage people to grow their accounts instead of staying small and shouldnt require that large of an overhaul of the system.
  7. Runescape mage levels!! ha! i had forgotten about that
  8. Oh and yes i completely agree. Forcing equipment amd pots to require certain "levels" of cs would certainly help to eliminate some of the overwhelming advantages that small players have in today's pvp and kaw in general.

    I also agree that an overhaul of.plunder mechs is needed but as devs seem extremely reluctant to do this, bring on the pot tiering
  9. Bishop has a fantastic idea. You should make that an independent thread
  10. Support build reqs for specific pots 
  11. Genius!!!! Absolutely genius! Great thread and bishop make one for ur idea!! Full support
  12. Well see. Then the game will just be a towers game if it goes by "points"

    Right now people try to maintain a lot of towers, while still keeping a decent amount of plunder. So it wouldn't matter to them if they just added 8mill sdt and adt Then people would just stack rosters with that. You would also have to make scouts not count for points because scout bombing is just a farming method, hence the term bombing
  13. Pure spy shouldnt have any allies. Period. So hiding allies and having allies to buy if stripped is null. Ps is not a hard build to do if you like low risk.. Its kinda like sh. Low risk and you get that hard to gain commodity.
  14. Towers would only be effective up to a point. You would eventually reach a point where youd lose to much hitting power if you over did the towers. Whats the point of being unhittable if you cant hit?
  15. Just bumping this to AT for people to refer to.
  16. When I was 11m cs I made upwards of 60 mil a hit