A moderator look at my wall pls

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by player098098235, Jan 18, 2014.

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  1. I got threteaned and abused on my wall a moderator pls sort this out
  2. There isnt any abuse or threatening there. Farming is not a threat and perfectly within the rules of the game.
  3. He called me a ****
  4. He bypassed on OP's wall. He will probably get silenced now:
  5. Yes, a bypass. Wall a mod then, or post it in the palringo group. A thread isnt going to get their attention very well.
  6. That is a bypass, and perfectly bannable. Go get em mods.
  7. This guy is silenced.
  8. Pls can you guys wall a mod he called me a ****
  9. Wow. You really over reacting op.

    Stelio....Stelio Kontos,Stelio!
  10. He just got permasilenced
  11. Hello op, he has been silenced for bypassing the censor filter, next time please wall or follow or pm a moderator next time instead of making a thread.

    Kinda busy ATM so I will lock this thread when done.
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