A miracle has come

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Angry_Birds, Jan 30, 2013.

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  1. As some of you have noticed, the "writer" of several "books" has left fan fiction. This so called "writer" known as FORCE by some players (myself included) Has created garbage books (if you can call them books) and called people who don't like his books idiots.
    Lets hope he never comes back...

  2. I'm just prewriting a long book
  3. Ok. Birds. Stop it.

    Just stop. Are you really this mature, as to insult a player by creating a whole new thread? He/she also apologized, or as best as it comes, to us. Somewhat.

    So act like an adult, even if you aren't one.
  4. Long story Rhino.

    Well it's not long, tis just a smidge complicated.
  5. Tl;dr (overall)
    Force wrote like 5 long ass books. They had potential (some did) but he wouldn't listen to feedback so he got haters.

    Aka birds.
  6. You are a douchebag. Nobody appreciates that behaviour. Just because an author doesn't listen to you doesn't give you the right to hate them. And you should never talk about a person like that. Especially not on an open thread where they can see.

    If anything, I think you need to leave the forums and don't come back unless you grow up.
  7. I'm sorry, I like forums and don't like bad books in forums, like this persons threads, and I also hate it when they call people who don't like their work idiots. I have a less delicate way of showing it....
    I'm sorry again and again and again... And again
  8. This thread is rather useless.

    Players come and go all the time.

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