A LOOK BEHIND THE MASK [FACE REVEAL] No tl;dr Hey all so recently I've begun picking up other communication items to speak with KaWers and well... I'm becoming very superficial. Once I see their true face, I can't help but dispatch and cut contact. I'm becoming a massive jerk by doing this and something must be wrong here. So today, I'm delving into the psychology of selfies and how they change your opinion about someone and yes, this is unfortunately a SERIOUS THREAD so let's keep the jokes to a minimum and use our brains to argue/discuss our points in a logical and objective manner. This messed up point of view I just described comes from deep trauma being in an environment where I was regularly monitored by large, controlling individuals, having manipulative and unfriendly people surrounding me and also my name is Corey. My stance will not waver while in this twisted state of mind therefore I need positive influences to change it for the better so I invite you post your opinion below... Now before I end this, I will provide what you all have been waiting for... AND FOR THE BIG FINALE... ~Kas
Youre a day late and a dollar short, some dude from BH put up a post your pic thread years ago, was active for a over a year. Thank God you didnt see it and post your pic. :roll: