Hi. Can anyone help me in deciding on the best way to do an attack build? I currently have 17 l3 forges and 1 l2 guild. Am i doing it right?
Get WAY more guilds, at least 300k by the time you have 2 mil attack/Defense CS. Unless you're a total EB noob, and don't plan on ever living this game to its full potential, that is.
Yes if you want the regular attack build BUT!! Your gonna get screwed if you ever get attacked by Hansel/hybrid/pure spy any of those thingys. So I'd Reccomendation some spy defense or get a lot of pots.
That's okay. I'd recommend upgrading the guild to lv4, or at least 3. Honestly the best way to grow at your level is to build a ton of lv4 guilds, and only have 1 attack building. Preferably a circle of elementals (unlocked once you explore all lowlands). This will allow you to make about 18m per attack and 12m per assassination on ebs. Just grind it our with those stats for a month or so, and then throughout that month replace the guilds with lv3 circle of elementals. Then you have an attack build! I'd recommend keeping at least 4 spy buildings though. Up to you though
Ah your are not LLC yet. So get yourself 4 Guilds up to L2, then L3 You have 17 Forges L3? Continue with Forges until you have 20 Forges L3 Explore lands until you've uncovered 5 HL Continue Building Forges L3 Save gold n get yourself 30b in allies. Get attack, defense, spy attack, spy defense pots until you have 1000 each excluding the most expensive 4 from each category. Now explore land 6, and build a Colony L1 Upgrade the 1st 5 HL from Forge L3 to Colony L1. Your final build for an attacker: LL >> 14 L3 Circle of Elements, 10 L3 Titans Lair HL >> 1 Volary, 10 Tortured Gardens, 14 Colony Every single one of your Ally Slots to be filled with Hansels from 222,000,000,000 range. >> this will give you the high BFA for spies needed to repel Spies, Hansels and Hybrids. But then again, don't bother regarding their steals. Bcos it costs them a lot in spy attack pots, you a lot less, and they can only steal in a war with you having 1b out, they can only steal 22-30m per steal. Compared to you attacking them and gaining 100-140m 1st hit to 40-50m last hit. You still win.