Discussion in 'Wars' started by L00KER, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Hey guys I'm writing here cause I got kicked off ff please don't post on here post on feedback thread and enjoy the book.

    You're truly. A-O-D

    A Life Without
    Chapter 1.

    "Bella, are you ready yet?" Bella's mom yelled up to her.
    "No, just give me a second, I need to finish my report on the different types of people!"
    "Okay, but hurry up! We can't be late to the showing; the queen will never forgive us."
    "Okay, I will count down for you. 10...9...8...7...6-"
    "543210." Her dad interrupted with a laugh. "I got home early for my special little girl."
    "Your big girl...I'm not little anymore," she said with a laugh.
    Fifteen minutes later, the happy family walked out of the door. "Were is she!" the angry soldier yells "if we don't find her the entire plan is ruined. 5 yards above them Laura stifled a laugh they would never find her up here. she had climbed up into the venalation system to get away from the soldiers, slowly and quietly she crawled along the pipes. BANG! everything went black. "Daaad please just take the royal road we need to be there early" "I know but we cant take that road because it costs hours.... unless you go in force these hours". "ok" Bella replied "ill do hours just this one time .... but you have to make sure we get there early". 5 minutes later they reached the black booth. "who is doing the hours?" a lady in a green vest asked "her" her father and mother said in unison, "we want her to know what its like." "ok " the lady said, as she handed bella the headset, "remember don't stop no matter what or you have to start all over again and you cant leave once you go in" "what? I cant leave after I go in" the lady gave her a sad smile. "here you go bye" and then everything went black
  2. DO NOT post fan fiction crap here
  3. Horrible grammar, horrible punctuation, and horrible story, no wonder they kicked you off
  4. Hey ... read the other version
  5. No stories here please
  6. Disgusting. There's a reason fanfic doesn't show up on AT.
  7. Where*
    You are a horrid writer
  8. Where the hell did the soldiers come from?
  9. Get the hell off of kaw.
    Fan fiction is full of great writing, fortunately this isn't in FF :lol:
  10. Man… people are so ******* mean. To think that they can't post constructive criticism, but rather try to "break down" the OP.

    OP, next time please post on Fanfiction. Perhaps you'll get better criticism, and the thread will be in a better place.
  11. To be completely honest...

    It sucks. Go back to ff. You cant? Get off forums quuckly.
  12. Wow... Got some aggressive people.

    Calm down guys. I don't get why this is such a big deal...
  13. 1. He said he was kicked off FF
    2. Guyz, I doubt many of you can do much better
    3. If you are going to tell him it's bad, at least give him some good advice
    4. Why...why do you have to be so mean??
  14. Why are we so mean?!

    So they DO NOT keep this garbage up I am tired of coming to AT to see nothing but trash.

    Maybe some people need to have somone be mean tolearn. Call me a bully or call me a troll, truth is all my cares just flew out the window.
  15. That was just plain flaming...

    Watcha trying to do? Burn his house down?(;
  17. Maybe if we had some people who were half decent enough to help noobs instead of just spewing hate then active topics wouldn't be filled with garbage.
  18. Still, showing no compassion and bombarding with "it sucks" or "GTFO" doesn't do any good.

    Oh, why do I even post this? A majority of forumers think that "if crap is posted, I will burn it with offenses and insults" or so it damn seems.

    When it's intentional, then maybe cursing at the OP isn't so uncalled for. But it's just an attempt… now I will be the first dumbass to say, forums have really degraded over times, and I have done nothing to help it.

  19. */endrant

    Oops, grammar mistake.