A Lawer's guide to FAST AND EASY Money-Making

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LHL_LegendaryGrubbzy_LHL, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Step 1: Ask your mom for money (preferably $1000)
    Step 2: Trade all that money for a rainbow (preferably from Ireland)
    Step 3: Place the rainbow so that one of the ends is facing you
    Step 4: Capture a leprechaun
    Step 5: Place him on your end of the rainbow
    Step 6: Force him to make a pot of gold appear
    Step 7: Take the gold and run
    Step 8: If not enough money to double your money then repeat steps 4-7
    And there you have it FAST AND EASY Money-Making
  2. You sir, are a genius.
  3. I captured a black leprechaun, does that mean I will get chocolate coins instead?
  4. Better yet go to La and do what I do.

    1.Get dirty clothes
    2. Make cardboard sign
    3. Bring a tin can
    4. Ask for $

    Repeat #4
  5. Q: What do you call an augmented human leprechaun?

    A. A leperKHAN!
  6. FAKE GUIDE!!! My leprechaun was a badass and pulled out a sawn off shotgun and had a hostage situation GTA 3 San Andreas style
  7. Lawers guide ? Is that like a dyslexic lawyer or something completely different ?
  8. sorry meant to spell kawer
  9. @Psn... I've caught a unicorn. Anything I can do with that :)
    I've tried this before the leprechaun always escapes...
  11. Your obviously not from LA venG lol. They don't give you **** out there. They'd rob you and take your sign. Go to boulder or Denver.
  12. I hate lawyers sooooo...
  13. reported for distributing personal info in their username

    lol jk
  14. I got an Adian Leprechaun that mean ill get fortune cookies?