A ko while having spys out??!!explain devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Desperado_, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Ko with spys out? Please explain to me how this is possible devs
  2. Also, devs rarely post in forums. Please don't complain on forums unless you have an actual problem. ^_^

    For future reference, email support@athinkingape.com and include as much detail as possible and they may be able to assist you.
  3. ^ditto.
    :cool: awwwww yeahhh, laziness pays off after all!
  4. Possibly lag, with a regen mixed in.
    They rarely answer threads, though the devs watched my back once, edited one of my posts, answered one of my silence questions in TEJA's thread, and I've gotten real emails a few times.
    I'm famous!
  5. No valliant badge 4 u all... Lol
  6. Valiant badges have already been handed out anyways :p
  7. Really? Who?

    "Explain???? Eexxxxxplllllaaaaaiiiinnnn????????"
    -Those ducking Daleks in Doctor Who that no-one gives a **** about and doesn't want to ever ever ever ever ever see again, even though it's traditional.
    Run on sentence.
  8. Dammit. Did it seriously just autocorrect that? :lol:
    Moose, if you care about that honest mistake, please delete my post, as I'm not on PC, and you know that I didn't mean to do that. ;)
  9. Lag. Happens to me too I have screen shots.
  10. Send him to teh gallows!
  11. I have some serious lag pictures on my iCloud pictures that don't happen anymore, such as invisible keyboards, enlarged words on walls and Chats, floating keyboard letters, invisible stuff... And I think I have a picture somewhere of that account that's missing a flag...
  12. Wow. Those guns must be the sexiest thing I've seen in a while... Other than my mirror (damn that image in it is sexy...), and random women.
  13. Lags and glitches will occur until the system is perfected...

    Remember these wars are TEST wars. If you experience any problems the BEST and most helpful thing to do would be to write a nice long and descriptive email to support@athinkingape.com...

    Remember to include the following:
    - Game name,
    - Game playing,
    - What its about (EE, EB, etc - If EE / EB state which EE / EB)
    - Time (roughly how long throughout)
    - A overview of what happened (i.e. how many hits received / was you hitting too?)
    - Any other comments (i.e. bad wifi / game lag / etc)
    - Try include any screenshots you have.

    The devs rarely respond to forum posts. They will ALWAYS respond to email. Writing an email will ensure your cries and tears are heard.

    Hope this helps.
  14. I had less than 1% spies twice this war and was knocked out because if it. Please do something about this
  15. You mad bro?
    That **** happens all the time, and it sucks when you can't find a target.

    A wild Jedi appears!
    Go play the new EB, no problems with getting KO'd.