Hi all This is a post where I will help all new comers about the wording in Kaw. Hope you enjoy !!!! Osf- Open spy Farm These kingdoms will allow you to spy on them without them retaliating. Oaf- Open attack farm These kingdoms will allow to you attack them as many times as possible without taking action against you. WC- World Chat This is the first chat available to you, here you can chat to kingdoms throughout the game, but it uses up a speaker which has a limit on unless you buy more. CC- Clan Chat Here you can talk to your clan members about anything. This does not cost a speaker to send a message. AC- Ally Chat This is where you can only talk to your allies and owner. This also doesn't cost the use of a speaker. PM- Private Messaging This is your very own messaging with your friends, only they can see this. In order to become friends with another player, you must follow them and for them to do the same. Again, no use of speakers are used. Pwars These are wars you have with other clans, but they don't attack you. All you do is attack another kingdom and make as much money in 48 hours. It is an easy way of making money. Hire This is when you buy some one and become their owner. Volleying Here you hire an ally non stop with another player. It gets their hire cost up and gives them money, as well as you make money. LL- Lowland This is the 25 pieces of land you build your buildings on. It cost money to buy land ranging from 25,000 gold to 3,000,000,000 gold ! HL- Highland This is what you unlock after you buy all lowlands. Here you unlock new buildings with better stats. The cost ranges from 3,000,000,000 to 300,000,000,000 !! LLBC- Lowland Build Complete This is a term used by players to describe their kingdom. This means they have upgraded a sub factory, summoning circle or a war aviary to it's maximum level. HLBC- Highland Build Complete This is another term for describing your kingdom. It means you have reached the maximum upgrade level for either a cursed foundry, a titans liar or a circle of elements. OTHER WORDS SHORTENED Kaw- Kingdoms at war Dev- Developer Mod- Moderator SOS- Stronghold of shadows a tier 3 spy building Lvl- Level Thats all from this post. Thank you for your time reading it and I hope you enjoy playing this game Chinuplad- User Name