How To Run A Successful Clan • Before you create your clan - how you know you if you should own a clan or not - what you plan to do with your clan • What every clan should have And how to obtain it • The Name Game - Choosing a name - Introducing your clan • Advertising/Recruiting for your clan • Managing your clan - who/how to pick admin - what should admin do? - the risk of having random admin - the risk of having not enough admin Before you make your clan How do you know if you are ready to own a clan? Well a lot of people go into clan ownership thinking it is all fun, sure it is fun but it is also aLOT of work, a few things to note before you make your clan are... If you can't earn 3bil in 3 hours you are NOT ready to own a clan,this isn't because you won't know what your doing but more due to the fact a clan cost money even after you purchase it. Members will want to be hired or have their allies hired away from them and you will be the one funding it! If you can't afford it they will leave, your growth will stop or slow down once you are owner of a clan and will take a while before it starts back up. If you don't understand the game and still need to ask for advice/help please don't attempt a clan, not only are you making KAW life harder on yourself but you also may "burn" new players so they choose not to continue playing. A clan owner needs to know the answers to everything. As clan owner your admin and recruits will look to you for advice on, Build types What each building's bonus is What buildings have what stats What buildings earn the best plunder How to make quick cash What are the purpose of hired allies How to work out MP (max ally plunder) What is "farming" What is "Volleying" And so on... If you can't answer one of the questions find the answer before you make the clan... Spending time in KAW! As clan owner you will have late nights and early mornings just to insure your clan is running well, you will have recruits from different parts of the world who expect their leader to be able to find time for them... And until you have good, smart and trusted admin from different timezones you will have very little rest! Protection is a must for any clan either new or old, if you can't protect yourself you won't be able to protect your members! Look at your current stats! Now most if not all your recruits will be weaker then you, they will need your help for protection and unless you can offer it you and your new clan will be turned into the feeding grounds for other clans. So if after reading that you now know your ready to continue down the path of owner ship you need to think about 2 things do you plan to • try and grow it to LB status • use it for a social experience • use it as a farming clan • use it as a teaching grounds • merge it with another clan or keep it separate Will it become a - pure war clan? - pure epic battles clan - plunder war clan (till next update) - a mixture of the lot You can change your mind later on and switch the style of clan your creating but there are a few issues your current members may not wish for clan to change it's ways if you are a farming clan you will be hard pressed changing it once the rest of KAW know about you (it is possible but can be hard) If you named your clan to suit it's purpose and style eg: you make a farming clan called Farmer "R" us then in a months time decide clan can no longer farm and you are becoming a peaceful, social clan the issue here is everyone who visits your clan will automatically think you are a farming clan and deal with your members how they see fit... What Every Clan Should Have And How To Obtain It Every clan needs the following • A steady income This can be obtained true epic battles but I also recommend having an OSF and an OAF some players don't like the epic battles so a private farm for clan members is a plus, also an inactive player farm list for when clan osf and oaf are unavailable. To obtain an OSF and OAF you can either grow your own, search world chat for any advertising, or make a forum recruiting some, the likely hood you will recruit a good size Farm is low but you can always help them grow To obtain a inactive list go to battle list look for players who seem inactive save their name in your notepad and post their wall asking if they are if they dont reply in a week go check their wall and if the post is still there you have a new farm remember to keep their names save in note pad and hand them out to clan members when need be... • Alliances Every clan needs some friends, easiest way to make alliances is by forming friendships with people from other clans and asking them to alley with your clan when you make it. After you make your clan you can search other clans and negotiate an alliance with them, and some clans might post you asking to alley! I would recommend not turning away smaller clans because of stats for all you know they may grow faster then you...
The Name Game Choosing a name which suits your clan is very important, I would avoid using a name like • Farmers "4" Eva.... Your clan will be targeted by farmer haters straight away or if you choose not to farm your name won't make sense. • 24x7 Epics... The game is always changing one day epic battles may be removed if that happens your clan also will make no sense • Only Eva War... What if you start to epic?? And so on... When choosing the name you want something catchy you want it to suit your kingdom! Ask yourself do you want your clan to be feared? If so avoid something people will go Awe or LMAO at. Once you've chosen the perfect name Create your clan and introduce it to the world of KAW! When creating your clan if you want people to join straight away, fill the clan info page with something cool and interesting. A story explaining the clan is always a good idea, try and capture the KAW'ers imagination, make them want to join you! Then head to forums and either paste the same thing in on a new forum titled with your clans name, or even go into more depth. Sure you may get a few trolls but the point is you've caught our attention
Advertising and Recruiting This is a very important part of owning a clan, your members and your self should always be looking to recruit new members be they friend or foe did you clan just teach that farmer who is boss? After wards invite them to join the clan someone asked for help on world chat answer them the best you can then invite them to join you guys Advertise in forums and world chat post walls if you want, But NEVER beg a clan which begs for members with lines like "Join my clan we NEED more members to complete our epic" Or "Join my clan first 10 get admin rights" Will never be more then a wish...People don't want to be in a clan which begs like it's a starving dog, they want to be in a clan which has the power to say I'm sorry you don't suit our clans requirements... not saying you have to turn people away just that fact that you can if you want is enough. So remember Don't beg it is unbecoming to a noble clan And everyone is a possible new recruit friend or foe doesn't matter! Managing Your Clan It is always easier to start a clan with a few friends that way you know who your first lot of admin are, but if you didn't start the clan with some friends or need more admin a few basic tips are - Don't give admin to those who beg - lurk clan chat and see who is talkative and tries to help other clan members - issue a small task to potential admin and see who manages to do it Remember if you don't trust them don't give them power What can and should admin do? Admin can title non admin clan members, they can kick members, let recruits in, close the clans doors so people can't apply, declare/accept/forfeit wars, declare/forfeit epic battles, change clan announcement and edit the clan info page. As for what they should do that is up to each clan owner but a few ideas are - Recruit new members - Do activity check on clan once ever few weeks - Help members with advice - Declare epic battles for clan And so on... Basically what's the point of having them if you don't want them to help you run clan? There are risk to giving admin to a random player or even one you think you know, these are - they may kick all members - they may declare wars your clan doesn't want or need - they may forfeit epic battles or wars when you are winning just for "Fun" There is also risk to having not enough admin - clan gets bored sitting around waiting for admin to come on and declare epics/wars - people wait to long to be let into clan and decide to move on to the next clan - no admin are on when someone in clan needs help - too much work for what admin you may have and you all get "burnt" out This concludes "a guide to a successful clan" I hope it helps some of you who are thinking of starting a clan Happy Kaw'ing Fellow Kaw'ers
Here my way b active get people from around the world like austra uk us etc get some of ur friends to help some of ur friends to get some people In do PWARS n eb on those other days n b nice to noobs or they will tell there mommy on you
Lol that's ok I didn't notice it and was giving advice to a couple of people about owning clans so thought I should post a thread for everyone saves me repeating myself
Lol took me ages just to post I kept writing it too long so got the shits and took it to notepad and cut and pasted
3 bil in 3 hours? People with high stats don't always have good experience and people with good experience don't always have high stats
Yes but you would notice I covered both aspects... A clan will continue to cost you money after you make it... I clearly stated just because you don't make that money doesn't mean you wouldn't be a good leader just means you can't afford it at the current second...
As for high stats without experience, you get experience by trying... So long as they can answer the questions clan throws at them they should do fine... And if they can't answer questions they can always read up in forums before creating a clan
I'm so tempted to buy a clan right now. I can earn 3 bil in 4 hours but not three and have a lot of cash all the time so money isn't really a problem and I know the answers to the questions but I'm still not sure if I should make one.