A guide on guides

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. So this is a guide on how you should make a guide.

    It was meant to go in the guides forum but it wouldn't let me :lol:

    Step One
    Pick a good title, this grabs people's attention and makes them read it, it should also be related on what your guide will be about.

    Step Two
    Paragraphs. Spaces. Well-layed out.

    Any of these. If you're making a good guide it needs to be clear to read and have a good structure too. Colour can be nice but you don't really need it and you need to be sure that the colours are fine to see on all devices.

    A good structure is vital like I said above, also although I did say colours aren't necessary, it can be very useful if you want to colour code your guide.

    Step 3
    Once you have a general idea of what you're going to do, and have thought out you're structure you need to do some research. Is all of your information correct? Have you tested it? Etc etc

    People like pictures, they add to your thread and make it easier to read and more fun. People would prefer one picture than a few paragraphs explaining something.

    The finale
    A conclusion is vital to your guide, it sums everything up and can lead to other threads you make, a second part of the guide or something.

    My conclusion..
    There's my guide for you, thank you for reading it and I hope it helps. Sorry if there's been another guide on how to make a guide already but this is my version :lol:

    Please comment on anything additional I can edit in or if I have done anything wrong.

    ~Delta ;)
  2. Why are there so many guides now on things that people don't need? Can somebody make a guide on what needs a guide?
  3. This deserves a sticky! :D :lol:
  4. lol.. no picture's. you failed at your own guide wth 
  5. 
    Maybe a bit o sarcasm haunt?
  6. lol ja ja