A GREAT BUILD- step by step

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ViciousImpact, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Here's a step - by - step Guide to growing fast

    FIRST- buy STABLES till you get to 9 lands

    SECOND- sell stables, replace with Beastiary's (note: Beastiary's give the most overall stat bonuses of the Tier 2 buildings)

    THIRD- keep building Beastiary's till u get to 25 lands, upgrade them Beastiary's to lvl 3 along the way

    FOURTH- Upgrade your castle it gives
    40,000 attack
    40,00 defense
    30,000 spy attack
    30,000 spy defense

    You've unlocked THE ALCHEMIST- allowing you to cast spells!

    FIFTH- sell 1 beastiary at a time, replace with CoE's (Circle of Elementals)
    (Keep CoE's at lvl 1!)

    SIXTH- Get 25 lands with lvl 1 CoE's

    SEVENTH- sell 4 CoE's, replace with STRONGHOLD OF SHADOWS, upgrade SoS's to lvl 3, you wanna have decent spy

    EIGHTH- upgrade CoE's to lvl 3, all of them

    NINTH- Highland exploring time, buy 12 highlands, putting LVL 1 CoE's on it.

    TENTH- upgrade your castle to lvl 3, now your castle bonuses are:
    60,000 attack
    60,000 defense
    40,000 spy attack
    40,000 spy defense

    You've unlocked THE MAGE- allowing you to boost your equipment (enchant)!

    ELEVENTH- sell lvl 1 CoE's on HighLands
  2. how about not posting garbage?
  3. Great guide :D
    If your an attack build :|
  4. Dang, cut off some of my words. :(
  6. The evil
  7. Well just carry on
  8. Bump don't post let him start on pg2
  9. This remind me of that episode of southpark.

    Step 1: collect socks
    Step 2: ??????
    Step 3: Profit.

    Just happens.
  10. Yeah lol
  11. Was this a real guide? I really hope it was a joke, as most of the information was wrong.
  12. Wow pretty good guide mate
  13. Do NOT follow this guide.... Only L1 buildings you should ever put up are T5