A Full Set!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OMET0TCHTILIl, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. I was just wondering is there anyone that has the full set of the blue and gold eb armor??
    If so please post ss thanks..
  2. Blue and gold eb armor?
  3. The Scorpios EB armor?
  4. Lol I didn't know what it was called but it's all a variation of blue and gold colors
  5. You shall not pass!
  6. I think he means the Scorpion EBs that I forget the name of.
  7. Full set on all ebs. Eh I have :p
  8. Almost the full set
  9. Lol I'm not wearing them because they aren't max yet. î„…
  10. Check out FisherPrice...
  11. Awesome FisherPrice has it it looks great all together and maxed
  12. FisherPrice is one of those people who hate scorpion…
    or just wants to really beat the crap out of people.
  13. You have no power here!