A Forum Divided pt. 1

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Articuno, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. A Forum Divided
    NOTE: This story contains the names of KaW players. If you are in this story and wish to be removed please let me know and I will edit your name out when I get on a PC

    Info: This story takes place as if Kingdoms at War and the player are in real life. So obviously there will be no regenerations ect. This is life. What happens in this story cannot be undone

    It has been nearly a year since the foruming community of Kingdoms at War had collapsed and its members had turned against each other. I still remember when the forum fell. The forumers gathered up what little gold they had to create two clans, constantly warring with each other.
    I stood in the main room of the castle with Senorita and Willy. A giant map of the lands was spread across the giant table in the center of the room. Markers placed on the map representing our troops.
    "If we move the water elementals from our circle of elements we could launch an attack on Slayerbob's kingdom by sunrise." Senorita explained while pointing at the map.
    "But if we did that we would have to travel through No Mans Land" Willy said.
    "I'll send my forces to clear-" Senorita stopped mid-sentence. "Did you hear that?" She asked. The room fell silent. A faint noise of explosions could be heard from the distance. We hurried out the balcony door to see what was happening. "The castle is under siege!" Senorita shouted. We looked in terror down at the battlefield. The castle was being stormed by monstrous hydras. Our elementals were barely managing to fend them off.
    "Look!" Shouted Willy, pointing down at the battlefield. We looked and saw the culprit behind this attack was none other than ISS_Tigress. With the hydras now defeated and our elementals weakened Tigress finished them off with no problem. She stormed in the front doors of the castle. "We have to get a plan" said Willy.
    "I have this, you two go hide" said Senorita
    Tigress burst in the door of the second level of the castle. "I know you guys are in here!" Tigress yelled, "Just come out now and I'll take you as prisoners instead of killing you!" she said. All of a sudden Senorita dropped down from the ceiling, thrusting her sword in Tigress's back. Tigress gasped, as her body weakened and finally fell over. Tigress gasped one more time as finally death took over her body and she rolled over, lifeless.

    To be continued...
  2. It's a little short... But I've been coming to the FF section more often and decided I might give it a try. So please tell me way you think of it and if I should continue (and I swear I'll make them longer if I continue lol) Thanks guys :)
  3. Your only flaw is that i consider tigress and I to be friends :p

    I like the start. Interesting.
  4. Looks good, not the best but if this is your first it's very good!  :)
  5. I think i like it
  6. Nice, if you could keep the story going it would be great.
  7. Pretty cool so far
  8. 

    Why am I always the bad guy? =P