Hey everyone, I'm planning on making a story called "A Day in the Life of an Epic Battle" which is a half-comedy short story which I hope to later on turn into a full fledged story with a complex storyline etc. Currently I have ideas on both sides of the short story part- both the comedy and the seriousness needed, though I lack some of the recourses. I need: 1) An EB (preferably one that has tentacles included (for a certain joke)) 2) What you need to do in that EB in order and in separate sections. Like: attack and assassinate; scout; attack and assassinate. 3) I need to know the "captions" of the EB, like- Before you can attack again, a large female troll appears Thank you all for reading, and I hope I can make this story to give you a few laughs!
Oh, and the story will tell you firsthand what it's like being the spies and soldiers that we all command in an EB.
I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't do this anymore. You could've posted on the Writer's Café, that way you wouldn't have had two make THREE threads.
Sorry, people don't go on writers cafe much. I did go on writers café. And I didn't want there to be 3 threads...