Ok before I start this thread I want to clear a few things up first :- This is my very first thread Do not ridicule or trash talk on this thread. I appreciate all feedback but please keep it appropriate If there's anyway I can improve please say please keep content you post reasonable and within tou guidelines If there has been a similar thread to this already done I'd rather you not say so Now that has been cleared up let's start! This is a random story where everyone can take part in and continues it on. Basically, what happens is, someone writes down one or two random sentences and the next person writes another couple of sentences to keep the story flowing and so on. The story in no way has to be serious or make sense (hence it being random!)but of course there is things you won't be able to say. Ok here goes! Let's see how far we can go I will start. There was once a warrior by the name of …Bob! Now Bob was very famous for his deadly skills in......
So youre too egotistical to accept negative feedback? Do you really have to try that hard to prove that other people that your parents love you?
So if i post that its a retarded, unsuccessful idea that you decided to bump, thats considered feedback and is allowed? Because that is both ridicule and feedback. Most ridicule IS feedback on a persons mannerisms.
Now back on topic. Bob is famous for deadly skills as a con artist. He was, at the moment, making millions with shell game. But it was all spent in KaW when he was...