Hi I'm McSheeps and this is "A Day in KaW" it is 25% KaW fiction. All names are real people. Tris does run a bar in CC. My name is McSheeps I join kaw a month ago and this is a day in KaW I will never forget..... *begin flashback* I started off like a regular day for me I walked in to CC and saw my friends Ashaya2, F0RCEl1FEAU0RA, and triscuter02. I walked in to find that tris had opened her bar for the day. So I walked up and sat at the table with my friend Ashaya2. We orders some drinks from tris. Then we talked about world events and old wars we had fought in, we started to talk about forum. After a while F0RCE walked over and we started talking strategy for future wars. At around lunch time F0RCE and Ash had to leave so I said my goodbyes and left for WC. WC had many people a lot of which where ad posters, annoying little people who try to break up conversations as much as possible, after a bit of talking to people there was one ad spammer, drianikaben that really annoyed me so I went a stole from him. Unfortunately one of his wandering villagers spotted me during one of my stealing attempts and reported me to drianikaben. The nooby spammer started, like all noobs must, going into a noob rage and saying how farming is bannable and how I was gonna wake up with no gold and nothing. Like most noob rages I ignored it. After a little more chatting with people in WC I headed to the forums read and commented on a few threads. Then went back into my profile, and got into bed and went to sleep for the night. I woke up in the morning and found I was wearing no clothes. I thought that was weird cause I could have sworn I wore clothes to sleep so I went to my closet and opened it, there was nothing, panicked I ran to my safe, again nothing. I looked at all my allies, they had been hired. Then I walked with dread towards my newsfeed... Then I knew what happened.... I was stripped..... The noob had come in the night... Stripped by a noob... The end ______________________________ -Most of this story is fictional the part about CC is true the forum and chatting on WC is also true and so far I haven't been stripped and I have been playing for less then a month on this account- -credits F0RCEL1FEAU0RA as himself Ashaya2 as himself Triscuter as herself and bartender Drianikaben as spamming noob McSheeps as myself Produced by SheepsCo Stuff nd Moar Written by McSheeps
Lmao Drian. Good job for being a spamming, strip-raging, noob :lol: How could you let yourself get stripped Sheep? WTF? lmao.
It's not that hard.... It's becuase you are on a device that auto corrects everything. I bet you can't put your name in.
so you ready for 1v1? war is over, I got plenty of gold to start stripping with, I got plenty of mith stacked up for spells. We can do this whenever you want