Hello, Have you ever thought that celebrities might play this game? Of course they wouldn't name their kingdom after themselves (eminem,Peyton_Manning, Jack Black, Kate upton )((I knew you guys would like the last celebrity) Have you ever thought that those rap battles in world chat could be Kanye West? Those people who talk politics in world chat, could that be Mitt Romney? FOOD FOR THOUGHT HUH? So comment if you think celebrities are in this game and why? Also if you are one well, comment anyway. LETS GET ROCKED IN THE COMMENTS BELOWWwwww\/
This is in strategy because I you friended them would it be a strategical advantage with all their money they had?
do u think that all kawers wants to be in your celebrity list?there are more things like friendship and u dont need to be popular to have that wonderful tresasurei feel your vainwho cares?