A challenge bet between RIP (Yafi) JB (Osiris) and Trouble

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *XxXiiilllD34THllliiiXxX (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. JB from Osiris claimed RIP from Yafi complained to Dev to get him silenced. RIP denied it. In return RIP called JB a liar.
    The term JB offer:
    If he's able to post the SS RIP will reset and leave Yafi.
    The term Trouble offer:
    If JB unable to post the SS, Trouble will reset.

    So now is up to RIP (Yafi) to see whether he got the balls to accept the BET!!!!!

    I'm alway a fan of Yafi, pls don't let me down pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

    Be a warriors accept the bet RIP, show to the whole KAW what is Osiris make up off.... Or if you don't dare, for goodness sake SHUT UP RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. First had to do it
  3. Anyway u wouldn't bet a reset if u didn't have a ss
  4. I wonder how this is gonna turn out XD
  5. sweeeeet! I am patiently waiting.
    Op, Only correction: Rip complained to a mod not dev, I know it's just details but Yafi been pretty picky with words lately
  6. Why does all this war crap happen in forums ?
  7. No one is resetting. Thats for sure.
  8.  love it. So easy to check and verify 
  9. Hehe you're welcome JB, Trouble.... I'm not any of Osiris or Yafi side but a challenge bet been declared to RIP ( Yafi) lets wait his (Yafi) reply :). Btw keep this thread alive for RIP to read, for all KAW players to read :) happy lapwing all !!!
  10. Bumping for RIP
  11. RIP, I'm sorry I don't meant to ask you SHUT UP!!!!! Pls show all the KAW player YAFI is MIGHTY!!!!! YAFI GOT BALLSsssssss!!!!! ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE !!!!!
    Note: nice doggy (RIP) :)
  12. Trolololobumplolololol
  13. hahah I have my pop corn and slushy waiting for entertainment nom nom nom
  14. *hopes that the dude from Osiris wins*
  15. BTW Death i know your Main now  be carefull now
  16. Can we get more detail? This seems pointless and stupid otherwise
  17. All details are in the 'runners' thread Troll
  18. What more do we need?
    Someone said the other tried to get him silenced, the other denied it and called the person accusing him a liar. Now some alt is proposing that they take a bet with their accounts on the line.
  19. Alt