A brief look into bus theory

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kasama, Aug 10, 2024.

  1. Preface

    Today we're going to discuss the bus theory, bus test, bus principle or another name the bus factor.

    A somewhat philosophical idea today.

    What is bus theory?

    It is the idea that if you were hit by a bus tomorrow... Where does your knowledge and skills go?

    What do you leave behind?

    Will the people you leave behind be okay should you cease to exist?

    A very, heavy question on responsibility.

    Discussion - The workplace

    It is this theory that propels me forward in every position to review and add to knowledge bases.

    After all, when you're not present you can take your knowledge with you but what of your colleagues?

    Will they be okay?

    Discussion - Real life

    I also think this ties into stoicism, the knowledge that death is always looming over you could also be applied to your everyday life.

    Not in the most negative aspects but in a way where you think about what you're leaving behind. Did you provide a good contribution to you and yours? Will those around you still be okay after you leave this earth?

    Very philosophical, I think.


    Regardless, applying this idea, the bus theory to multiple aspects of your life really puts things into perspective. I think it similar to the boat, being surrounded by people you want to be around.
  2. Humans by nature are a symbiotic organism. We are carbon based creatures and we are also spiritual creatures. Some spiritually light and some spiritually dark. When we die our physical body returns to the soil from whence it came. Our spiritual body however there is some debate. Personally I feel if your spirit is that of light all your "knowledge" joins the energy collective of light but if your spirit is that of darkness your "knowledge" is abolished into nothingness. As far as those around you, they get to make their own choices just as I get my option.
  3. My bus theory is that the wheels on the bus go round and round. 🚌
    BEAST likes this.
  4. Na this isnt philosophical

    It just a shower thought