A brief history of Kaw ....Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -gael-, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. To any kaw historians, for a kaw noob such as myself, an ex gaw player,please enlighten all these new players from fc and gaw with a little bedtime reading as to the big ole wars, crumbled alliances and anything osw related we may have missed since Kaws inception.

    Gaw had a fair few massive wars which sadly contributed to games demise. What went down on kaw over the years that we missed.

    Feel free to troll or big up your fams but I'd be interested to hear the ole stories if anyone's willing or knowledgable enough.

    Tldr; tell me about kaw osw past
  2. Blades of sapphire beat everyone.
  3. Should we tell him about sprangs?
  4. Surely it's spragga?
  5. Are you the real one? ^
  6. We had vector .... Bit of kaw/gaw symbiosis right there
  7. The real spragga, vector or Gael?
  8. This is actually a good idea, one I have always thought would be helpful. Someone who could just write a thread, like a brief history of KaW. Just the major points, like the rise and fall of alliances and epic OSWs, things like that. I have played daily nearly two years, and I still get confused about the ins and outs of various alliances and major changes in the game. I have talked to vets who have taught me bits and pieces here and there, but it would be interesting having all the info in one place.
  9. There is a really detailed timeline of kaw thread.. Though u are gonna have to dig around for it 
  10. It's in Fan Fiction I believe
  11. Their is a thread about kaw history already I believe in best of
  12. Spr..

    Ah where'd all my buildings go.
  13. Thanks very much peeps ... Appreciated 