I give the name and setting and the other guys make the story and it has to flow and you may need to use other people's characters. Rules: It has to flow No bad language Have fun This is only experimental,so don't call it dumb
Your stupidity amazes me. Quick summary of op's post: I got title and characters people make me a story.
um where and y read i think its the "darkness below" thts wht happens when you tell some one (not tht he did) to write a story for you. because thts wht your doing.
I think you have to explain better because all of us may be getting the wrong idea. But it really does seem like you're telling us to write the story... And no you can't, you gotta find a mod. Try finding bellamorte or maybe wulf or moose. They're the ones I see on the most.
I already follow Moose and posted on his wall. Once again this failed. Miserably. I should just not post on this, just read.
one time, spyro and crash had a picnic with some cats and they had pb&j, and they all watched mean girls and went to sleep. c: