A Bloodie Goodbye

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-BloodDiamond-_-, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. To all my friends its been nice being a part of your life.There are many that I have upset and I am sorry.
    To The ones that have stayed true friends thank you.You have been a big part of my KaW life and so much more.

    Heart of Gold= I am Sorry for what I did. When I had issues I went to thoughts in council but it seems nothing was done so I left hurt and angry. I didn't mean to do half of the stuff I did.

    To anyone else I pissed off I Am sorry.

    To my friend:

    LADIEHAWK- thank you for being you. You have been there for me since I started Thank you for being my Sister and true friend.
    SugaMama- You are the same you been a true friend since I met you and LadieHawk mercing.
    Xena-your still my best friend and will always be.

    Tmo-I love you you have my line we will always be together. Weather I am in KaW or not.

    To all my other friends thank you I will miss you.

    The reason I am leaving is because of Ranger/Gummy. He has destroyed me and my drive to be here. Because of him the family I had is no more. He disbanded My clan Misfits United that so many of us worked hard to build up. So for now my friends goodbye. I know some of you may be happy to see me leave and some of you may wish I would stay. But I have nothing now because of some power driven child.
  2. Follow if wanting dia's line.
  3. Guess he wins
  4. I remember that clan thought it was still around...

    Anyway see u back in about a month
  5. Sorry to see you go you'll be missed by few of us that think of you a friend.
    As I love ya
  6. Diamond you knwbive always had ur back in any issues I'm here anytime you may need me Ikw you'll be back dnt let real life get the best of you kawing takes all my issues away from real life cause of good friends I have in kaw
  7. Suicide Loves you too and Gizmo. He has destroyed Misfits what do I have to come back too.
  8. Start a new one. The members are the clan ,not the name.
  9. I'm all ways hear for you sis come join my clan we love you don't want you to leave game 
  10. Just a phone app. Any reaction to it beyond "lol", "whuuuut", "cool" , or "meh" is entirely uncalled for
  11. What if you're playing on pc though?
  12. You can always try and get vengeance.
  13. I know a few at hog.
    Good people. And I think highly of them.

    You are leaving kaw because you have lost friends on here and that is understandable.

    To some though as they state you will still be their friend regardless. Carry that with you.
    Take time to think about whether you need to quit.
    Take time off for the holidays and enjoy life.
    Whether you come back or not is up to you.

    But don't base it on an angry or upset choice.
    Whatever happens, best wishes in life. It's always sad when a member of the community leaves.
    Merry Christmas.
  14. Then I pity you, playing a phone app on a pc when there are so many quality pc games you could be playing.
  16. Could you name a few for example??
  17. Great job gummy /ranger......another one bites the dust !!!
  18. A clan is just a name. Make another one and call it something similar. The loyal members will return and you'll be right back where you were before. No sense in quitting over something silly like that.