A Better Way To Veil in EE Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. I have a change to the current veiling system that I think would greatly help everyone.

    Currently, you have to veil for either 8,24, or 72 hours. Problems with this include:

    -it can be hard for admins to check who will be active; someone could have a veil on that runs out 1 hour before sign up, but if they aren't in CC, it easily could look like that 24 hour veil was just cast, and that they won't be participating
    -makes veiling a pain; sometimes a 24 hour veil will protect you from 1 war, but depending on the day it could take you out of 2; this makes people have to wait to veil until certain times to be able to veil for one war, and still make the second one.


    Don't have veils based on hours, have it based on WARS. Have 4 veil spells; a war 1, war 2, war 3, and war 4 one. Each symbol should include a 1,2,3 or 4 in it to make it easy to know which is which.

    -solves the 2 problems listed above
    -say you won't have Internet connection starting on a Wednesday for a week due to vacation, work, etc! Before, a 72 hr veil would only protect you from 1-2 wars; now, you would be able to veil for all 4, not limited by time.
    -easy to tell who is participating, etc.
    -even if you can't do a war last minute, you can still veil for it

    How it would work: any time after Sundays' war period is open, all veils would clear; at that point, you can start veiling for any wars you want to for the next weekend.

    Feel free to comment or critique below 
  2. Or have a veil to be active, why the devs can't do this (which would be easier) beats me.

    It's that simple.
  3. Great idea.
  4. YES! this is awesome. Somehow, I think the devs have thought of this. They may have a reason for the time veil. But I strongly SUPPORT!
  5. Veils ain't just for EE wars:)
  6. @logical; a version of this has been sent to ATa
  7. Support!!!!
  8. Great idea! SUPPORT
  9. Mag, there should also b an "all wars" veil spell to (say if your in vacation) that way if your going to b gone, u don't hav to go back on to veil after every war

    Good idea tho 
  10. U can just click war 1, 2, 3, and 4 at any time after Sunday war the week before
  11. Yeah beast. Not sure a veil-all spell is needed. Pressing veil for 4 different wars isn't too much of a hassle
  12. People won't unveil during war. Awesome idea. :)
  13. ^not sure if you understand what this is about
  14. Super support! Send email to support now!!

    Clan members should have to opt into next war or not. Opted in members should have an Estoc symbol beside their names in clan roster.

    The present method is a NIGHTMARE.
  16. The Estoc War sign up system is bassackwards. Or rather the "Estoc War sign out system" is backwards.

    @Devs: please simplify..
  17. Semi support, as mentioned many many times before, it should be opt in rather than opt out.