A Beginners Build Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RoYaLNaVy, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. (red)HEy I'm a profesor and Im gonna tech u a leson on how to grow to a hundred combined million stats.(BBC code red please)
    1.) qttack people
    2.)buy 9 lands
    3.) buy forges
    4.)land buy 25
    Alys too 250-1
    5.) go guild
    6.) 1 forge
    7.) hl
    8.) t4 bulds
    9.) down and u win kinds just like get allys to grow bigger bonus from allys.
  2. And then I was like.... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
  3. Thanks my BBC code dindnt work I se
  4. 1/1/11  just for shits
  5. What the heck I can tell on you that's not allowed
  6. Realization it's a joke in 3... 2...
  7. I mean 11th xD
  8. Really bro? You can get a 24 hour ban for that now...
  9. What? Lol
  10. I know "bro"
  11. Hey! Can u pleas rate?