__TOXIC-TACO__ OSFing Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LOEV-ToxicTacoMania, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. Hi, It's __TOXIC-TACO__. I have learned ways to OSF. I have been tought basics / fundamentals of becoming an OSF, converting, and/or growing.
    Table of Contents
    1. How to convert to OSF
    2. Growing from LITTLE to BIG
    3. Max plunder

    How to convert to OSF
    1.Converting to OSF isn't that easy. So, you must build all Lvl. 4 guilds, 1 by 1. Or else money will be an issue. Make sure you keep 1 beastry to lvl 3. That is called a 1HANSEL. A hansel comes in handy, when you get to HighLand, and have ALL guilds to lvl 4, you'll be making around 31M a hit. And keep that beastry! And have good allies, and you'll be making a 25-20M attack! Thats alit for some folks! But when you convert, you already should have guilds / SOS's. It is VERY important that you make sure you have enough gold to upgrade to lvl 4.
    DID YOU KNOW? If you buy a SOS, you could of upgraded a guild to lvl 4. THREE times!

    Growing from LITTLE to BIG
    I am experiencing some times where I need to grow, regening is hard. One hour a Full Regen. No matter what build. But, I have learned, not to waste all of your Spy troops at once, but to only spy FOUR times. Regening is quicker and thoes hits are the stronget hits. I am throwing this out there, but all of you are looking for PWs for the most part. I'd join The Firm. They have a MAX osf and a MAX oaf. Which is where you rack up on money. But for all you "OSFs" that are small, your only focus is to a. First upgrade all lvl. 3 guilds to lvl. 4 b. Discover the HighLands for more Gold, stats c. Get better stats. I am learning from the best OSF I know.

    MAX Plunder
    A fact, when you purchase a SOS, ugrade it to lvl 3, you loosing gold every hit. Its a GREATER decrease in money, also less money. Guilds hf the max plunder. Sure good stats maje you look good, but MAX Plunder matters the most. Make sure when you go into a PW. Your getting your MAX Plunder. Or else, your bot upgrading as fast. Buy allies to help your MAX Plunder for your beastry. I only say to buy a Beastry is because, you get a 20% more troops BONUS then a forge or cathedril.

    If YOU have any questions on being an OSF, wall me. I hope you enjoyed, also learned something.