__PERSEPOLIS__ Vs. True Spartans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Srory is Perse was a member of trur spartan immortals and situation in that clan is the more you talk big and the more you bluff the more they will give you authority in your clan. So, if you fill up the cc everyday with a bunch of "im gonna farm this lb guy", "im pinning that farmer", "Im eating this and that " then next week you are admin. So, same strategy gave totally osw noob called martini adminship and he posts his personal targrts on ca. He also asked persepolis to leave bc he asked to run eb so he could sp his troops on it and use spies against the target. Of course, perse left and unloaded on his butt. He got mad and since admins can do everything they want in those joke of a war clans, he posted perse on ca and war started.
    So it used to be 1) True spartan and 2) True spartan immortals againts __PERSEPOLIS__
    but apparently they have hard time saving their own butt and cried to 3) Chaos Reborn to help them too. My hope is this list get longer and longer cause it proves how noob these joke of a war clans are for whinning here and there begging for help. Thanks for the fun Martin, if you got nothing to say everyone pls thank Martin in this forum pls :))
  2. True Spartans suck
  3. People are hitting Persepolis from the clans below : 1) True Spartans, 2) True Spartan Immortals , 3 ) Chaos Reborn
  4. Such drama
  5. Persepolis was kicked for being an EB fairy. It was his choice to start up a fight with multiple leaders here now he can sleep in the bed he made :)
  6. you cry hard noob, lol, you got awefully butthurt over us telling you to piss off for wanting ebs during an osw when you are a ps. moron. nice thread for a stupid alt.
  7. you are about as credible as ironmaiden making a thread. :lol:
  8. Martin is a first class peice of poop.
  9. TS has asked for no such help that you accuse them of, although our members are certainly welcome to help, if they bored and our targets are pinned. I confess I can see the appeal in farming you myself.
  10. So you refused to hit targets during an OSW in a war clan?

    And youre mad you got kicked...?

    :| Im a little confused
  11. First of all you PERSEPOLIS ran from a OSW so we kindly asked you to leave we don't want fairys in our clan after we won the war you came back and wanted to stay Martin asked you to leave because you were banned for running like a coward you are.... Your response was to run a FB of steals on Martin simply because he asked you to leave you started the fight now were just pinning you 24/7 and stripping you 24/7 so don't make stories up lol but yet again I love pinning cowards
  12. See... that makes more sense

    Thanks Pers :*
  13. Plot twist, perseus is PERSEPOLIS and has unknowningly been farming him/herself.
  14. Perse is hardly a war runner. Maybe a failure, but not scared of OSW. This kid just seems to challenge anyone then fail bomb a few people. But as I was saying, I wouldn't say EB fairy id say idiot lol.
  15. Love it when noobs leave get farmed and cry on forums for attention 


    Thx for the giggles
  16. you fail to remember... this was over a month ago when we told you to sod off. and here you are whining like a wuss trying to gain what... support.. only person on here is maiden who we all know is the kaw pansy. :lol:
  17. Haha, hey all noobs slow down, 1st : Your clan is not a war clan, is joke of a war clan, if you have never been or seen a war clan, I have seen many of them.

    2nd : Persepolis and EB fairy are two words that never stick together lmao, just do a little google search on the forum and you will see how many butthurts I have all over the game (who will show up soon) and how many clans I have fought With Zero Help from anyone. Unlike you who cant handle 1 player and ran everywhere whinning to help you ok? So just the fact that 3 clans are against me is enough evidence that how noob your joke of a war clans are.

    3rd : You can never ask a member to leave bc he/she is hansel and needs troops pinned so he/ she can become more effective in wars.

    4th: as your member I recruited at least 8 mpre osw experience members for you during the first week of joining your noob clan, participated in every single osw you had, provided fund for your strips nd always been helpful member, so You Cannot ask (kindly : if you not happy you can leave ) someone to leave like that, cause if that someone is me then I will make cupcakes out of your butts. And of course I leave as I left to start the recipe.
    5th: Martini had a history with me before he joins that clan, he started releasing big gases nd he became admin, so u gave a noob enough power to eat all he wants in your clan.

    6th: as for pinning me 24/7 pls stop making me laugh perseus lol. No single clan has ever been able to keep me pin 24/7 nd I repeat that officilly here not a single clan has ever been able to keep me pinned for 1hr constantly let alone 24 hrs, so cut it brother just take it. As for strip are you sure you bought them or I sold them to TEMP myself when I was online? Lmao

    Well I would say just lets thank martini and enjoy the fun guys, Im just deeply sorry for Yarmes he deserved better players after so many years of playing not a bunch of big mouth noobs.
  18. Jasmin sounds upset 

    Pass her the cream 