__PERSEPOLIS__ vs. Epic Fate

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIl__CYRUS__lIl, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. So there is a noob clan talking nonsense and trying to bully people. A super noob in that clan ,isaacharlow, couldn't handle a 1v1 vs persepolis and cried to everyone he could for help. So after giving many warnings to epic fate their member (xxx-walkingdeath-xxx) and his alts showed in perse's news which obiviously means his clan is involved as they received multiple warnings. So your bets goes in here, how long you think this clan lasts??? would you say 6 months is enough for them??? Enjoy kawing everyone and be respectful 
  2. "Be respectful", calls other clan noobs. Seems legit. :lol:
  3. Persepolis for the win
  4. Epic Fate is kick ass and been round since the beginning of KaW. Walking Death is a beast and so are the other fate leaders. Have fun and good luck, you gonna need it.
  5. Why are you still making threads. What happened to the hit squad? You cf to em?
  6. Noob is abs a respectful word, noob is someone who doesnt know the game, u got it noob??
  7. Should be interesting...
  8. Wow cool, then im glad not dealing with noobs. So in fact its persepolis vs the father of the clans, mother of kaw : Epic fate wow holly molly. Give me a break noob 
  9. Well of course its all cool with hit squad, in fact their is such a cool guy
  10. I meant their owner* is such a cool guy
  11. Lol I love how the op started talking about a noob clan as of his wasn't a noob clan also
  12. Heard Walmart has a sale on butthurt cream buy 1 get free
  13. Cyrus pinned, curtesy of your friendly neighborhood wargod.
  14. Fate is one of the oldest clans in kaw. Most of us r far from noobs. Persepolis is the one who started all of this running his mouth in our cc, and when told to stop he refused. So therefor was kicked and called on Cyrus and best man for help on Isaac. The 3 of u have no idea what u got yourselves into a lot of us love these OSW so bring it! happy Kawing!!!!
  15. Calls me a noob, purespy. :lol:
  16. Lmao hes full of noob rage yet ask for respect and calls others noobs. My weekly forcast for this week is mostly Nooby wit a high chance of noob tears pouring from the sky.
  17. My money is on epic fate

    Any takers?
  18. Rotfl WarGod
  19. I think you got your story backwards there __PERSEPOLIS__THE__EPIC__NOOB!!!
    I was the one doing the 1v1 n you brought your two EB noobs into it n started farming me! You even cried n threatened both owners of clans my accounts are in saying your gonna farm all members of both clans top to bottom for 6 months! After about a week I had walkingdeath come in to even the odds n you once again cried to Aiz like the noob you are! Everybody reading this just read my wall n it's all pretty much right there for the world to see! Oh yeah, the whole thing started when __PERSEPOLIS__ the noob was talking **** in cc n got kicked! He had fair warning to stop his **** talking but continued and I followed through n kicked him withy baby guild hansel that is at fate. Also my baby guild hansel has been your main target cuz your too much a noob to go 1v1 with a hansel more your size!!!!