Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllllI-Southern_Cross-Illlll, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Hey all
    we have a thread about inactive people in ee, why not have a thread where people can post about clans to avoid.

    I was just at clan 999 for war 11 (yes i went as a merc) now i know if you merc rosters might not be 100%, but that was a risk i was willing to take.

    But what took me by surprise and really got under my skin was that they had perms casted who had NO xstals in a 2hr war, usually i would high tail it out of there but when i saw this signup had ended and i was locked into clan.

    Luckily i got a no match than god!

    So share with us your stories and what clans you think to avoid

    myn is : 999
  2. dont promote this , participation is low already :p
  3. Dirty minds. Unless you want to feel groped afterwards. Groped in the bad way.
  4. There are so many to avoid lol
  5. lol well im hopin to teach them a lesson
  6. Warring with xtals is not a necessity, I have warred in some clans without xtals and won
  7. Same^ although we were all prepared to xtal... We just did so good we didnt need them :lol:
  8. thats the thing clumsy, sometimes you dont need them, but in a 2hr war they can/are important
  9. I've won wars without xtaling, but those wars are always blowouts. You should always come prepared with an xtal, but if you don't need it don't use it.
  10. Lmao worms in s2 I think we used no more than 10-15 xstalls each whole season
  11. val theres a diff between not needing them and not having them
  12. Exactly.

    People just suck
  13. 
  14. Give me a clan to join... :)
  15. Yet yeah, I support this, great ideal, always been an issue for Mercs that Mercs wars