9/11 - What Really Happened

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. You already know what this thread is about just by reading the title. If you don't, allow me to explain.

    Undisputed facts:

    2 planes struck the twin towers
    Both towers collapsed
    Lots of innocent people died

    Disputed facts:

    The cause of the collapse of building 7
    The magic disappearance of Flight 93

    The "official" explanation of the building 7 collapse is that fire from the twin towers penetrated the building, causing it to burn to the ground. It collapsed into its own footprint, just like the twin towers in what very closely resembled a controlled demolition.

    What the official story leaves out is the fact that no high-rise building fire has ever caused it to collapse into its own footprint.

    Supporters of the official story say the twin towers collapsed into their own footprint because the impact of the planes buckled the support beams and caused the upper floor to "pancake" onto the floor beneath it, initiating a chain reaction that continued till it hit the ground.

    Building 7 also fell into its own footprint, but no plane ever struck it. How do they explain the way it collapsed? They can't. They say the heat from the fire caused it.

    3 high-rise footprint collapsed in less than a day, when no other high-rise fire had ever caused such a collapse.

    Maybe it was a miracle.

    The "official" story of Flight 93 was supposedly brought down by brave passengers who forced the plane down.

    Question: if these "brave passengers" we're able to bring the plane down, why didn't they just beat up the "terrorists" who hijacked it in the first place instead of killing themselves and everyone else on board?

    Another question: what happened to the plane wreckage? They say if vaporized upon impact. The blades in the engine were made of titanium. Nothing on that plane could burn hot enough to vaporize titanium.

    Everyone already has made up their mind and no one is going to be convinced by this thread, but if we are going to have remembrance threads, then we need to have threads that challenge the facts and make us take a look at what is physically possible versus what the "official story" is.
  2. So when will you post a what really happened in Benghazi on the other 9/11, or is it because it happened under Obama, and Hillary , you don't care?
  3. I'm not informed about Benghazi. I apologize
  4. One would think so
  5. It's not the topic. Why don't you make your own thread 
  6. For example, why did Obama order troops ready to deploy to stand down, or why the cover up and say that it was nothing more than a protest turned violent over a utube video, last I chked protesters don't bring aka's and rpg's to a protest then there was the ever famous Hillary quote when asked about it " at this point what difference does it make" unquote, in other words refusing to answer for her involve not in it
  7. What really happened when Reagan got 250 marines killed in Lebanon?
  8. Interesting questions. I don't know enough about it, so I can't comment. But it also happened on 9/11? Just different year?
  9. 3 marines and a us ambassador were murdered and dragged through the streets by so called protesters
  10. Jeez. Why? Why on 9/11?
  11. I for one am a firm believer that we are being lied too on the matter. When the media says one thing, but evidence says another...
  12. That has nothing to do with 9/11...its was 241 Marines and was on October 23,1983
  13. Any current/recent high school students know if the destruction of the twin towers is covered in history books? If so, what does it say about what happened?
  14. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

  15. My textbook said it was an attack by Fidel Castro, in retaliation for the assassination of his lover, John F. Kennedy, by the United States government.
  16. Sounds legit 
  17. Just a reminder to keep things appropriate and respectful when it comes to the sensitive topic at hand.