80b volley for you maybe

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 4A6F73-HEX-687561, Jul 24, 2013.

    • im volleying gold to my alt if any one is below 3b hire value ill volley u to 80b(or if you are thinking of making a new alt today make it now) WALL me within 10 mins or ill volley a inactive
  1. not sure why there is list either side tho
  2. Your bb code failed I think.

    Plus I'm a little bit over 3b sorry :(
  3. Go back to world chat
  4. Go back to your epic battle.. If I was you I would be more concerned with the fact i'm not even 1mcs than what people post on forums
  5. DarkNinja342 is my friend. He just started, 7.3-7.4b. Knock yourself out man he could use a boost.