500 FANGS!?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _________iGreen____________-, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Well I wasn't disrespectin bruh but mi n mi famalan scar wuz Chattin bout us bein togevz 5eva n I noticed in mi news feed wuz 500 vampire teeth

    Funneh thing is I fit one hit LOL
  2. Idc what you wrote, but you made my day wih that ghetto talk.
  3. Dolan pls.
  4. Do you even grammar?
  5. #GrEeNbEaNiSaChEaTeR

    naw wad umsayin cuddy
  6. Ghetto all da way my brother :lol:
  7. Gramuh ain't Mi strong pointeh so no hatin
  8. It's that guy in Black Army with 5000 static def.
  9. Your wasting your money.. Why wouldn't you do this on your main. What could you do with all the rewards on a near statless alt? Nothing. Just wasting your money bro
  10. always disrespectin blud!! Nice fangs!.... Totes jelly.... Nat eeeeeen bein a hatur
  11. Waste money? Lol bro 1 hit =500 fangs
  13. What the hell? He did hit only once and got 500..
  14. Blud me disrespectin mi ill shank youh
  15. 1 c4|\/ tYp3 l1K3 4N 1d10t 2!!!!
  16. Killed the vibe bruh
  17. Hold on. Your buying a seal every eB.
    That's 6$ per seal. So 6$ per hit.

    So yeah, waste of money 