40-60 players for war Discussion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShelbyS, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Ok - I'm fairly new to starting topics on forums - so cut me some slack if I don't do this as it should be ;) Here it goes:

    I am simply wondering who all supports and opposes the 40-60 member restrictions on ewars (started w a thursday war time that I beleive was unclear) but has just been extended to Friday war as of this week. I was under the impression from the general populace of Kaw that 40-60 member wars was annoying (albeit I will give the needed applause to devs for attempting a viable solution to fix ewar match ups).

    I'm sure being a dev has its perks and trying times - I simply want to hear from kaw players as to whether 40-60 member restriction to wars is affecting your ewars in a negative way - and pls give devs needed, viable solutions too. Hopefully, I will understand what kaw thinks about this situation and perhaps we can all give constructive feedback to devs who put countless hours into making an awesomely addicting game. Thanks in advance!
  2. I've seen better matchups from 40-60 wars :)
  3. Glad to hear it - basically you're saying it works. Also, the idea is...is this hindering your clan from warring due to restrictions? thx ;)
  4. I love the idea; we are the most likely clan to get a terrible match up because we let in so few players weekly. We have also been getting very similar match ups over and over again I.e. we have warred 6 times in the past two weeks and faced 3 different families. It'll be great to get a new match up.
  5. Don't like the idea. Limits big clans leaving members unable to participate.
  6. The match ups have been better with this, but the 40 minimum can be an issue. What about a 30-50 test run. See if more clans participate. The goal was to introduce more of KAW to the war aspect of the game after all.
  7. Perhaps there should be multiple classes/levels /divisions of war. Some clans are small or don't want outsiders to fill up the ranks. Other clans might want a completely full roster.
    Class A 20-40
    Class B 30-60
    Class C 60-100
  8. I agree with troll. Great idea
  9. Help me understand - you're saying you like the idea of 40-60 player wars, correct? and then, you don't have to let in outsiders to do this...am I right? I guess the issue some clans are having...schedules can be affected so as to making it that 40 original, perm members can't war - thus bringing in a different chemistry entirely. Are you saying this is NOT the case for your clan b/c you always would have the 40 member minimum for every ewar you do?

    thx :)
  10. Good thoughts worm, you always have good ideas ;) Worm for mod - ONLY JOKING :)
  11. I guess that's my point too - it limits big and small clans from participating due to member issues.
  12. NOT a bad idea at all - perhaps a little tricky to work out the details...but would allow all sorts of clan sizes to war...after all, it is Kindoms at WAR ;)
  13. Good post for discussion Adam :)
  14. uhh... what's an ewar? sorry if this is a stupid question but I started playing yesterday.
  15. I think troll is onto something. A grade system for amount of participants is a very good idea and would solve issues with smaller or bigger clans wanting to war.
  16. No problem - we all have questions - hopefully it is those that want to learn that voice them :) An ewar is Estoc War. I assume by your stats that you've started before yesterday - but perhaps you've not participated in an Estoc war yet. It's a newer 4 hour war where the system matches you up to clan that is similar strength and size and has new rules - check it out in Board Index > Wars :)
  17. I think the 40-60 member req is a good idea; it gives clans more targets and makes the war more fun and gives more plunder.
  18. I understand that it limits certain clans from joining, but if they did let them in- I would think they're the ones that would get the bad match ups. I personally have been noticing better match ups recently so I have no complaints.
  19. The idea of differing ranks sounds good but has one flaw. The option for matching clans would be further restricted as there would be less clans per class too select from leaving some clans massively outgunned.
    I don't like the idea that some clans have to turn members away from war not do I like seeing clans outnumbered by 10 players.
    But sign up is as much a risk as war at the moment.
    The single biggest factor. Where I would differ on possible solution would be to allow a outnumbered clan to have 30 minutes from matchup to recruit an equal amount of players.
    I'd also like the idea of war clans so we may war more freely without veils taking up space in clan but allowed to choose home / war clan and keep ee in both. Also this would in the instance of 40-60 or classes of differing numbers allow a clan to be able to use members and alliance to reach max member limits.
    The obvious note of caution. Imagine 20 leader board players in one clan with a limit of 20. Chances are they would dominate their 'class' and that could be applied across all classes and limits.
  20. I think it would be AWESOME if subclans and main clans could have some tangible link - now rather than JUST alliances - you have a multiple network of clans - ONE HOME. I'd ask any devs reading this to consider the possibility :) thx! (as if you don't have anything else to do...I know...)

    NOTE: this link would mean EE benefits stay w member - rather than lvls lost to move...thx ;)

    Having a Main clan and connected warring or subclans would increase the # of good wars and decrease the need to admin/owner prep for war. i.e. those warring would have to move to "war clan" rather than "need to veil" - just some thoughts from a kaw noob ;) he he