4 billion job

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by woodbutcher, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Follow me if u want the job and the cash but u have to be pretty strong
  2. 4 billion :O omg! That's soo much cash like woah dude woah! /end sarcasm
  3. Who's farming your friend?
  4. 4 bil sounds good to me. Itll buy my next two lands :)
  5. 4billion what in the hell am i gonna do with that
  6. I have more gold than that.....
  7. With that kind a gold u should seek out the Omets.
  8. What's the job?
  9. I will do anything for 4 billion dollars...
  10. Same here
  11. I cant buy my next land with that :(
  12. Cant even upgrade with that cash