4/20: A Reflection

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Dark-Teja (01), Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Ok I'm gonna admit, I like dem drugs. But I have questions about this whole 4/20 day. Why today? Why not any other day? It might just be an excuse to be extra baked, not sure. But I live in Oregon so Marijuana is legal so what do you guys think about this day?
  2. one question: why does this day exist?
  3. Yah that's what I just asked. Thanks for the restatement.
  4. Should have said, "honestly I dont remember"
  5. I should have...
  6. i know, but there is really no point for this day. The ay where twice as many people die from OD on weed?
  7. 420 is the police code for a drug situation, I believe.
  8. OD on weed? Haha only rich surbaban kids manage that.
  9. My guess op is 12 cool kid wannabe 
  10. Well I'm not 12 kids but nice guess ;)
  11. Ladyboss where did that statistic come from?
  12. It's really a celebration of Adolf Hitler's birthday, people were so happy when he died that they decided to celebrate the day that made his death possible, by smoking weed.
  13. Came from her imagination :roll:
  14. It's not a statistic. It's an assumption.
  15. Its a good thing bongs filter out the cyanide otherwise it would be a lot more people.
  16. Did you know 95% of statistics are false.
  17. Bongs are cool, my mom gave me one for my 11th birthday(which apparently was last year)
  18. Fine 13 then 
  19. Haha professional. Come on ladyboss, you assume that many "extra" people OD on weed  don't assume on threads you obviously no nothing about the subject.