3rd fail strip from troll ....so funny

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. So a few here know that iv been in a 1v1 with the almighty many alt playing 20hours a day keyboard warrior troll.

    Well today was trolls third attempt to strip me after his first 2 fails on his own he decided to get kotfe in on this one after I was assured through a third party redhotvixen (who ive always respected and even ee, d with) that kotfe wouldn't get involved in trolls silly games as long as I got nobody else involved and like an idiot I knocked back many offers to help strip troll (you have many haters by the way) but alass it was to no avail as kotfe just FAIL !! stripped me they got 65b my bomb blowing up in trolls face for 240b and all cause TROLL the big warrior with 10 alts cant handle my one account stealing his shards.

    Since troll gave up on the 1v1 n called in clan help im sure your all aware I win this 1v1
  2. So you don't have alts to strip him back? Or the funds? If he has failed 2 other times you should know his alts. Why not hit them to get rid of funds?
  3. Attention seeking much
  4. Haha no but hurt here son.

    Just letting kaw know how embarrassing you are and how you cant back up your tough boy talking
  5. Let me give u some advice little boy.

    You talk about how intelligent you are and that your studying this n that , yet we all know at times you spend 20hours a dsy on kaw with your 10+ alts that are all pretty well grown.

    For someone so clever it seems such a waste of that big brain of yours to be on a tap tap app most of your life .

    Theres a big world out there for a young lad such as yourself . Why dont you try making a real life human being your friend ...you know like someone without a barcode or a clan tag in your name.

    Understand one thing.

    You are a loser with no life n no real life friends its a tragic waste of a life ..

    Kaw is a way to pass those boring times.

    Not the most important times
  6. lIllIl_____PARSFAN_____IlIlI you talk as much as some other motormouth we know in this game. 
  7. Can you make a thread about me next! I love when children make rage threads
  8. I feel it hurts him everywhere
  9. Looks like butt hurt to me.
    Butt hurt doesn't come from #winning...

    Doesn't the use of hashtags make people look ignorant when tagging isn't really applicable?

  11. And your clan? where are they at while KotFE is handing you this beating?you speak of!!
  12. You still haven't reset that "Bomb" on me yet
  13. I really want to take you seriously op, I truly do. However, if you refuse to use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling, even after you have been granted the ability to edit posts from your mobile device, then I'm afraid that no matter what your case may be, whether you are in the right or wrong, whether you are winning or losing, there is nothing that you can say or do to convince me that you deserve any amount of respect from anyone in the forum community. Please clean up your posts and maybe the more intelligent users on the forum, you know, the ones who usually (but not always) form the public opinion, may consider giving you the attention that this thread is demanding.

    Feel free to take offense to anything I say, you seem like the kind of person who would, but keep in mind that I'm using my own valuable time to try to help you in becoming more successful, not simply ridiculing you like most other people would, and admittedly should, at a first glance at this thread.