30b a day! lies!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by I_I_I-BHEZ-TiLLiDiE-I_I_l, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Ok, so I've had enough of constantly being asked how I make so much as a guild hansel and I've explained it too many times. Some will still say I don't make 30b blablabla and I'm lying ect. But everyone I told this too has thanked me, and instead of saying everything in PM hundreds of times I may as well put it out there.

    First, my build. My build is not HANSEL. It is a guild hybrid. It requires someone who is very active, and whereas it doesn't matter if a hansel unloads his troops or not, my build will make ALLOT more if you 2 hit and regen with troops. This is called skimming. This is because plunder and end reward drops as your troop level decreases.

    Secondly, spies. The amount of times I've told this trick to people and they say "really!? I never knew!" And next thing you know the next haunting they are in top 5 plunder.
    Assassinations give you your plunder as an end reward. People don't realise that they also give plunder, just after eb finishes. This plunder also drops depending on spy level. I tested this out, 1 assass at full spies and the next eb 1 assass at almost bottom.
    At full I got 39m reward for 1 assass.

    At bottom I got 6m for 1 assass.

    The difference is huge. never fully unload spies, at full assass 3 times, regen and repeat. Just before eb ends half bar your spies, then by the time the next eb has started you'll nearly be full again and ready to 3 hit.

    Next is haunt clans. People always say faster they do the haunts the better. No. You want to look for 2-3 hour haunts, I personally have about 4 clans I go to, why? Because in these clans I get ALLOT of items in as most of the members unload and come back an hour later, meaning I can get allot of items in.

    Here is just a few EB's I done yesterday, I can't find them all because I can't be assed looking through hundreds of EB history's lmao.
    (Never xstalled in any of these)

    I also get roughly 1.5b an eb from attacks.

    Next is ally trading. People get way too trigger happy hiring allies and don't do their research. I can sell anywhere between 5-10 allies a day, getting usually 700m-1.5b profit an ally. I trade 30b-100b. Here is exactly how I find my allies.

    Firstly I go to eb records and choose ambush. Why ambush? Because its FULL of guild hansels getting tons of cash and growing quick, all guaranteed to sell.

    I pick a clan to shop from, I go to eb history and then to the most recent.


    I then look through the top plunderers, never usually do I go past #15 in the eb.


    There is plenty of guild hansels to hire from these clans. Once you get a few more bill saved up, shop in clans that require their members to have the clan tags in their name, such as .Z., hit squad ect.

    Another way to ally trade: people usually shop in 50b-100b range. If they are looking for an ally they will search for exactly 50b, not say 51,838,902,482 exactly.. People shop in even numbers, an allies hire price increases, and you want to bump an ally closest to 50b as possible so when someone searches for a 50b ally yours will be on the first page.

    I type in 47,228,000,000. Why? Because when I hire an ally at this price it will be bumped up just under 50b meaning it will be on the first page when someone searches for a 50b ally. Activity usually doesn't matter, mostly just stats for price. Big LB'ers shop at this price for good BFA for cheap.

    Well there it is.
    -many people may know most of this stuff here, I don't care if you know all this or not, it is for the people who don't.
    -I need someone who can BBCode this and make it look all nice, since it isn't my speciality. PM me if you can, I'll give you full credit you'll have to copy it into notes and add in the BBCodes and PM it back to me so I can edit.
  2. I can do bb-codes, but it is difficult as I'm on IOS lol. Also, not sure about others but I know about skimming, however I do not ally trade and so have very little knowledge in that field. And so, for that fact I think this is useful for people who where not taught (or never asked) about these useful tricks when you have nothing better to do with your time.
  3. Brilliant, I never knew either. Good job Val
  4. I never knew skimming thanks
  5. Lol hmm I seem to know at least one of your haunt clans
  6. You did a great job! Whilst I knew most of it, you still taught me a fair bit :D
  7. ok so whats 30bill? thats nothing laoda makes like 150 bill a day doing haunts by himself...
  8. Am I a LB who spends hundreds per day?

    Max xstals day in day out with HLBC build?

    And title was meant to say 30B plus.
  9. Support.
    I agree, I did the skimming and the assassination thing, and people don't understand how someone my stats is in top 10. I didn't know about ally trading though, so thanks
  10. That's without xtals jon.
  11. Didn't know about skim assasination, thanks Val.
  12. I do full unloads most of the time. And in most of those pictures you are beating me. I make 30b per day, so I would assume you are able to also if you beat me in the epics.

    I never really thought about 2-3 ass and regain always looked at hansels as being able to be lazy and unload.

    I will be testing this Ty 
  13. Great thread.

    I cant wait until i have the funds to start buying big allies.
  14. Nice keeping this for refference
  15. Updating with Fiddlers BBCodes, have decided too re-post thread as its easier. Please leave this one to die