3 Tactics for ZAFT to WIN Today

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Knightadf, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Objective: Destroy Umbrella Corporation, Warlor and OG alliance in 30 days.

    So after what's been about 4-5 months of this osw, I've decided its time to speak up.
    ZAFT leaders need to change tactics in this osw immediately. Luckily, I offer 3 tactics,
    which will yield utter annihilation to the opposing forces in 30 days time. Before I state them, some of you may ask: Why am I posting this here and not in private pm to my leaders? One reason, our leaders are extremely stubborn and do not consider our thoughts in an open minded fashion. They believe they know what's best for everyone, and underestimate those of us who get the "Main inc" from the other side. They assume we are sheep and any open ideas we offer are met with no serious response. This is not bashing, it's the truth. For that reason, I remain anonymous.

    One thing ZAFT has, is its resources. First thing majority of you think when I say this is $money$. errrrrrrr WRONG. Sure ZAFT has the cash - but that doesn't win osws in todays age. What wins osw is man power. ZAFT has the most elite player base in KAW. This is why no-one can match their Hybrids, Hansels and Attbuilds in pvp base tournaments. Don't believe me? Your in denial. Check EE. We had 68 players gain RL 50 with minimal effort during last season. We are the Rising Hawks of the upper scale player community in system wars. So why can't we perform like we do in EE in the current osw? It's because ZAFT Leaders, are mismanaging this elite player base they have. Which has resulted in the surrender of many decent players they had in the recent weeks.

    Here are my 3 proposals:

    Operation: ZODIAC

    Step 1 - ZAFT Counsel will vote/select it's 100 most powerful, active, & resourceful kingdoms.
    Step 2 - The 100 will enter Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty.
    Step 3 - Zodiac must be the #1 clan on the overall leaderboard.
    Step 4 - ZAFT counterintelligence officers will select high-priority targets daily.
    Step 5 - The 100 forces will assault, strip and pummel one clan daily - until the clan has ashes.
    Step 6 - ZAFT will cycle all opposing clans twice in the 30 days.
    Step 7 - The enemy will not be able to counter-fire since ZAFT Clans will support.
    Step 8 - By the end of the 30 days, the opposing forces will be little to no thread, aside from their LB.
    Step 9 - Enemy LB will be the final target of the 100.
    Step 10 - Operation Completed

    Operation: SPITBREAK

    Step 1 - WDGAF & ZAFT will unite into 5 Mega Clans of 100 most powerful.
    Step 2 - Each clan must be equal, clans must meet lvl 20-30 on LB.
    Step 3 - This coalition of 5, will focus on the strongest clans at the start.
    Step 4 - OG,UC and Warlor will lose being divided.
    Step 5 - Wulf & Laoda will not accept CF during this Operation.
    Step 6 - Runners must be marked and recorded.
    Step 7 - At the 15 Day Mark, Operation: AVALANCHE begins

    Operation: AVALANCHE

    Step 1 - Laoda will hire 500 Mercenaries from Across Kaw.
    Step 2 - Five sub clans will emerge.
    Step 3 - Mercenaries inside, will consist of ANYONE, requirement is to heed any command.
    Step 4 - The 500 will follow CA only - whacking all in CA. No strips information at all.
    Step 5 - Clan Announcement will consist of the previous clan of SPITBREAK and runners.
    Step 6 - The Mercs will be paid in Haunting: The Escape, one day of service = 24 hours b2b Escape in clan.
    Step 7 - This will be paid after the osw is completed. On ZAFT word.
    Step 8 - Operation Completed
  2. sounds awesome
  3. I doubt that clans would give up and disperse that easily
  4. This would be interesting to watch. Good luck guys
  5. This would be awesome and a MASSIVE undertaking. However, your opponents are also extremely stubborn. Good read though.
  6. Interesting
  7. That was great read. I live these types of thread, obviously thought out, clear ideas. Wish I had the brains to do this. Nice job OP!
  8. Honestly. I'm gonna say Best Of. I know if I just joined the game.. This would be a great thread to read.
  9. Lol yeah best of for reals
  10. Awesome job.
    I would love to see these in action.

    One problem, though: I don't think that, even if you concentrated with your top 100, that the opposing clans would give up so quickly.
  11. ZAFT has 13 clans.

    So the top 100 out of 13 is....
  12. All of those tactics will be easily countered with minimal effort. No complexity to them at all.
  13. To start with, even if this happened while I got tripped of 10T (which I don't have, assume I do an I'm testing targeted), I would simply log in every hour of every day and unload on a single member until they apologise or quit, and I would stay in the osw. Not everyone is weak, this plan will ail dramatically. Also, a days worth of HTE is nothing. I've had a few weeks if it pretty much back to back so far. So much of it that sometimes if I don't feel like losing 2 minutes of my life unloading, it isn't worth the extra gold because of how plentiful it is.

  14. No one is going to quit because they are stripped. It's foolish to assume that any amount of hitting is going to break anyone. It's not about ending the war. It's about having fun. They just love to war. They don't want it to go away. So they don't stop.
  15. Omfg 0.0 that is the sexiest OSW plan I've ever read. ZAFT WDGAF LISTEN TO THIS PLAN 0.0