3 crashes in 2 months

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XiiiXixxzI-BaTMaN-XxiiiiiZiX, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. Okay guess its fair first time around no xtals for crash yh it happens now and then. Then another crash with no xtals and guess it's fair enough we've got 3x haunting but then today again I mean seriously come on devs that's gotta be an xtal or something how about an explanation or apology for once this time it was right before war!
  2. Ohhhhhhh
  3. ATA is being over generous. Don't get used to it.
  4. Fox they should be with mistakes like this
  5. Games crash, get over it.
  6. Games crash without explanation repeatedly yh of course
  7. ATA have given us enough. These things happen, technology isn't perfect
  8. there were at least 3 crashes…
  9. 3 crashes within 5 months that's Cool but 2months Wow
  10. You've gotten 2x and 3x EB pay recently. It's not a big deal if you can't open kaw for a few minutes.
  11. If I were to go in war like others today and it crashes big deal yes
  12. Crashes happen but 3 in 2 months it too frequent. Especially that it happens near a war.
  13. You forget the point. You DONT have to play. You DON'T have to make purchases. And they DON'T have to give you jack ****. You DO have to build a bridge and get over it tho.
  14. Thats not the point I'm not gonna quit over crashes I just want them to compensate for it!!
  15. Inactives in war due to kaw servers
  16. These things happen matey