250k a year. u mad?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by saltyfeet, Mar 15, 2015.

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  1. So thats what i made last year after taxes. Obama took a huge chunk of my cash but i no i jave to pay my share. Im ok with it. After all, i live veri good with the "leftover". Thats not what i uanna talk about anyway

    I consider mysekf middle class. Id say i libe a pretty normal life.
    Ups and downs like eberione else. I work,lift,love,sleep,eat,enjoy,repeat.

    I rent, yeah i no, but i cant own a house because of work. Im not gonna have a house for nuthin. Just payin taxes or renting it to receive a call late at night so i can go unclogg a toilet.
    Id love to have a house with a huge backyard. With a lot of fruit trees.with a couple of dogs runnin here and there happily. But i cant. So i gotta suck it up and move forward.
    I posted how much i make in wc recently and i had a few haters.
    Why u mad u chumps? I work my ass off. I pai my fair share.
    So why? Just why? U should tri it yourself. Working feels good.
    I no u gonna say, hey salty y u work that much if ur not enyoing it? Nobody said i dont enjoy it.
    First and foremost, i enjoy workin.
    Second, i have a life outside of work too. And i liv it fully.
    Money is just a byproduct of my hard work. And i dont even pay much attention to it.
    U mirin?
  2. That's all salty ever gets; 'The left overs'
  3. U again? Jeeeez man
  4. Aren't you supposed to be retired?
  5. I said soon. Dont make me farm u dude.
  6. I'm not mad. I'm just jealous.
  7. Thing is anyone can throw any number they want out there. No point in posting it then your own satisfaction. And if anyone is mad about some number someone posted on a tap tap game then they have issues
  8. Ah, I missed you, salty.
  9. You are literally the scum of this game. This is why I've been farming you nearly all week. What did I get four it? Four failed inc attacks.
  10. Salty, as I just said above, I spent all week farming you and you gave back next to nothing. Your threats are emptier than your skull.
  11. Ill take u along in my next trip to europe. Im thinking ireland.
  12. U mad? Lololololol
  13. No, considering we've never actually spoken before and I was farming you way before this thread.

    And, why'd you censor the word 'scum' in my quote? Trying to make me look bad, or preserve your decaying reputation?
  14. Considering? Bahahahaha tell us more!
  15. Did you not understand the context in which I used the word? Probably not, looking at your base level of grammar and orthography.
  16. Bahahaha he also thinks i censored him! Omg what a chump! :lol:
  17. A few steps behind in conversation as in life, I see. Ah well. I'm done feeding your trolling habits. I'll just feed myself from your kingdom gold, maybe pinch that ally of yours ...
  18. Post it enough in an online forum and it may just come true!
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