25 lands best money maker?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 4A6F73-HEX-687561, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. When I get my new phone gonna use it as a bank sorta thing and was wondering at max plunder what build would be best for making most money in just 25 lands
  2. Probably 1 defensive T4, one attack T4, and 21 balanced T4s... Or you get fill them up with SoSes, and EB like a madman:
  3. Without t4 just t3
  4. All guilds, and one balanced T3. A TON of allies helps.
  5. All guilds, one balanced building.

    Once you start banking in allies, you make great money e'er day
  6. Wouldn't it be all defensive buildings other than being a spy?

    (summoning circle)
  7. Yup.

    I wasn't at max plunder when I had that build, and I made 12 bil on a good day.
  8. Yep 23 lv4 guilds and 1 T4 attack building and a lot of allies
  9. I was a balanced building while I was a Hansel do I would get for money for it
  10. Nope.

    Strip banks = 3 Coe or forges so you able to go haunting easily and rest guilds.

    My strip banks has over 500b.
  11. Whoever created this thread is a NOOB!Come on mort!
  12. 1 Defensive building (What ever T you want)
    1 Balanced
    22 guilds
    8 Billion in allies

    This should work OK for ya!