So I've been looking back at history and it seems the Moth drops are tied closely to what you make overall in an EB. Between hauntings and HTE, I've received about 1 moth for every $220mil in gold I make on an EB...on average. Anyone else seeing the same thing? Just go to history for the EB and divide your total by the number of moths you've received. If it's true, then that means you get more moths by skimming, if you have the time. Also, it would be interesting to see what this factor is for other EBs. *edited because I originally said 220k....meant 220 mil
Re: 220K per Moth? but really I did 1 action, received a total of 106m from said action and made 1 moth
Re: 220K per Moth? Wait...1 moth per 220,000 gold? So...if I unloaded and got 22,000,000 each hit, that would be 100 moths per hit...x about 20 hits, make 2000 moths. Say I hit escape, and get 100,000,000 per hit. That's 500 moths per hit, and 10,000 moths per unload. I see what you're saying, but it doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it's just me, but could you explain a little more?
Haha maybe they did. But don't forget about the smalls, this would mean some ppl literally making 1-5 moths an eb even at hte, I'm sure build has an effect on drops
Yeah...was wondering how much of an effect. Build certainly determines what you make per hit and your bonus in an EB...just not sure if that 220 mil factor carries through or if it gets modified based on build.