Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SAWFT, Jan 1, 2016.

  1. First post of 2016 :3

    Appy New Year
  2. Where you live at least... Happy new year!
  3. I bring to you my still-in-2015 post
  4. They're from the future....?
  5. Time to jump back and forth over the timezone border for an hour to time travel 
  6. Now I know your time zone
  7. What you gunna come here a get me now?
  8. He is like kaw Santa, he knows when you sleep so he can farm you when you catch zzz
  9. I went to sleep 10 hours ago
  10. It was dead until you bumped it you imbecile ^ -_-
  11. Don't be that guy dude...
  12. That's irrelevant, you asked for the thread to be locked (Wannabe Mod) and I was simply explaining that no one would've came back to it if you hadn't've bumped it to active topics...
  13. Self filtering much:O
  14. It was already bumped previously...