I haven't put a lot of thought into it but it cane into my head right now What if there was a 1vs1 action kinda like a war but no one can hit besides person you challenged ,,, like it would be just a way to tell who actually wins 1vs1 besides a apology thread -Excuse me if this has been brought up & denied before I just had the thought Give me your thoughts && a way to message this to devs cause I can't fit idea into 140characters
That's why u post several times devs might curse u and never give u a piece of equipment again but ur message will get through
@Breakdown clans aren't for fighting your own fight a 1vs1 is to show who is the superior player with skill not who has the strongest clan,,, a account my size can be in ZAFT doesn't mean I'm skilled or a good KaW player (no offense to zaft I just know y'all as a strong clan(s))
I assume you didn't understand. Get two clans, each one with only one player. Do a Skirmish, with locked rosters. Voila! Otherwise, it'd be too easy to abuse, if a system were to be incorporated.
Well yes what you just said is the same idea I have but without having to spend 25bil && I'm saying make a action were you could system war 1person without any interference && make it a normal part of kaw as system 1vs1
Easy to abuse, I'd choose my OSF alt (example) or any alt of mine and attack him once, so I can hide from farmers. Looks like a runaway method from farming…
Well see thanks for the negative I'll try thinking of a way to counter your way of seeing it give me like 10min.