1v1 with cuthrow2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by vro, Jul 24, 2013.

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  1. So I was searching my battle list hit once,
    The next day I woke up with 80hits and 300mil gone,

    My CF Terms;
    A forum apology
  2. Reserved
  3. Why the forum apology for hitting back? I dont understand why people always want a forum apology for being hit back.

    Personally I think it shows your a little butthurt over being hit. Just fight back, and enjoy the 1v1, no apology should be needed.
  4. Oh Noes... 300 million KAW gold pieces...


    Bella detesta matribus
  5. i like your opponent 
  6. No apology should be needed, and it certainly shouldnt be on forums if you are so adamant about having one.
  7. I know your oponent, goodluck with that op  rusty 
  8. 300mill your butthurt over 300milldude its not even an unload on haunt or ambush an if you dont want people spanking your dumb ass dont play battle list an it won't happen........ as much, this makes me lol so hard I just weed a lil
  9. Bit small,yeah?
  10. OP is statistically small. I can see where 300 million would hurt him
  11. 1v1 with a hansel...that's smart?
  12. Forums don't care..
  13. KAW tissues on sale @ WalMart. Cost 300 mill. Oh crap. U don't have it now.
  14. Op was paying my spies minimum wage
  15. 300mil? Lol I'm smaller than u and that ain't that much to me.lmao
  16. Omg a whole 300 Mil!!!!
  17. That's like someone stealing a penny from you
  18. No fucks where given to these 1v1
  19. This *... Ugh nvm :(
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