Winners and losers from both of last night's debates. I want to hear your thoughts. The following is my opinion, After last night's debate: Top tier: Rubio, Cruz, Carson Middle tier: Huckabee, Walker, Bush Bottom tier: Trump, Christie, Paul, Kasich Rubio and Cruz looked very presidential. Huckabee delivered well. Trump stayed on message (for him) but lacked substance, Carson was appealing. Christie came across as obnoxious, Paul annoying in the same way. Walker solid but dull, Bush on the defense and did okay. Kasich does not belong in the top ten. But again, Rubio and Cruz are the real heavyweights based off their performances from last night, Both were eloquent and extremely polished. Carson was great but lacks the fire. Huckabee is right there as well. How do you think the candidates did? And rank them in order based off who you like and who you think did well. My "who I like" list 1.) Cruz 2.) Rubio 3.)Carson 4.) Huckabee 5.) Walker 6.) Paul 7.) Trump 8.) Bush 9.) Christie 10.) Kasich Performance list 1.) Rubio 2.) Cruz 3.) Huckabee 4.) Carson 5.) Walker 6.) Bush 7.) Trump 8.) Christie 9.) Kasich 10.) Paul Edit: Carly Fiorina crushed the Reject Debate. I expect her to move into the middle of the pack of the top ten. Kasich/ Christie to drop out. This thread is concerning the "main event" debate from last night.
Why does everybody forget Carly Fiorina? Cruz, and Paul. Bush just puts the same tired message over and over again. Trump needs a show about selecting a Vice President. Call it, President Apprentice. Paul I like, but his foreign policy is crap. Christie is a democrat basically.
I predict the republicans will either pick Carson, or, more likely Carly for a Vice presidential ticket balancer. Sadly, they aren't bold enough to place someone like that on the top of the ticket. Most likely person to get the nomination is Bush, which personally makes me ill, but, I can only state what I THINK will happen, not what I WANT to happen. Rubio has the next best shot at getting the nod, but he's a long second In my odds making books As for trump, he's a spoiler. He absolutely will NOT get the republican nomination, but he may run third party and hand the democrats a third term in Washington. This will be doubly likely to happen if the republicans front another bush I have one more commentary on trump and his popularity. I think trump is surging right now because he looks STRONG. He doesn't take crap from the reporters or anyone else. He hits back and he hits hard, and his answers pander to no one. I think trumps policies are very simplistic, and I think that, once you look beneath the surface, you'll see that he's scandal ridden and not very substantial, BUT, his tone is what the republicans want. If other candidates want to do well, they should emulate this. Walker looked VERY strong when he was waging the "act 10" battle in Wisconsin. The unions and the democrats threw everything at him and they lost. Now that Walker is on the national stage, he seems much more docile and measured. This doesn't serve him.
Carly WILL probably get nominated for VP. Or Carson, as you said. This bush, seems to be the weakest one yet. Cruz won't get elected, he was too damn honest about all of his policies.
I like Cruz a lot, but the problem with him is that he rubs both the left and the right sides of the isle the wrong way in Washington, and if you're going to get anything done, you need to either have massive super majorities, or you need to be at least somewhat like able.
Trump only one knowing what's he doing rest are stupid. Trump knows business the best which America needs desperately. Trump also only one to have thought about getting rid of illegal immigration.
Trump will get the ticket because he's the realist one of them. Not afraid to speak his mind and the truths that so many cowardly avoid.
Trump is part of the Clinton's plan. It to use populism to stir up the population. Hillary can't get away with acting like Trump, so we have Trump. I remember talking/reading about this 2 years ago. I was calling it "The Clinton's Revenge." Donald is doing everything Hillary needs to do to win. Jeb does seem like the most moderate candidate on either side of the aisle. I look for Rand Paul to come on stronger early next year.
Presidential candidates lol. Should elect whoever is better at rearranging the furniture on the titanic and who can convince more people the boat isn't going down. None of these loser ass "leaders" are going to fix our country...
Also I'm curious as to how a business leader translates to political representative? Those are two totally different areas of studying. Hell a 7th grader can balance a checkbook better than Washington so don't give me that crap about his business acumen. And also ask yourself if illegal immigration should really be our number one cause of concern at this point. You really think THAT'S the most important thing to worry about?
If that's the best this country has, we are in a very very sad way. Trump is amusing, Walker is a moron, Christie is the best choice, - another Bush that's LOL in every way. Maybe it's time to move to Canada! Always wanted to be a mounty. .