177 vs 5

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _Hire_Me_, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. I started my clan a few months ago. been pretty inactive for a long time until recently. I got a whopping 5 members now. TY :D couple days ago I had 4 hits incoming. I did not return hits just focus on my solo run of the awakening. I didn't think much of it just some noob picking on the little guy. Today it's turned into 2 nearly full clans just attacking me.

    There is no explaination, no reason, and no point. I'm not going to post on thier walls asking why such clans want to pick on little up-coming clan. Is this what KAW has become. Do you feel like a boss fighting 5 people with 2 clans?

    Surely there must be a reason... To be honest I dont really care what reason they feel the need to attack. To me they're just bullies, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not trying to rule the world of KAW. I'm just playing. If I have to play with constant incoming, I will. I'll do it alone or with 5 people or 500.

    I'm making this thread. Not to beg for CF or cry about it. I'm looking for fighters. People who don't back down, people who don't care win or lose, people who never surrender, and people who just want to have fun.

    Today it's my clan. Who's clan is next? If we don't stand up and fight. They will continue bullying little clans just starting up. They must think they can just attack tiny clans for no reason and we will all just turn and run or reset.

    There is hundreds of them, few of us. So if there is anyone who want to join us in battle.

    Apply to : The Frozen Throne
  2. Sympathy ad?
  3. Asking for hire?
  4. Well that sounds pretty crappy actually.

    But remember those who lack drama in their lives seek to invent it. Probably just some tool that didn't like your clan name, or you for whatever reason. Now they're looking for a reset or disband to make themselves feel like the superior KaWer.

    Probably didn't get enough hugs as a child.

    But there's also 3 sides to every story, your side, their side and the truth.

    Be interesting to see where this goes.
  5. YOU HAVE 626 battle loses

  6. Op your wall has people complaining of you farming them, that may be why you are getting farmed
  7. Op told me thar KotFE is farminh him
  8. We are farming you because of the disrespect you put in our clan leaders wall.
  9. that was system war
  10. who is your clan leader? show me the wall
  11. I don't see any war history in your clan or the clan of the person on your wall.
  12. ask zork about it he will confirm he was in system war on that day 30 people vs 6 i was hitting from outside to help a friend.
  13. Why hit from outside? That doesn't help the war.
  14. You're not actually in the war though, so that may have been the cause for farming
  15. Sorry to he's that... But the lowest member in your clan takes the prize for his name...
    "Condoms" :lol:
  16. [URL=http://s1346.photobucket.com/albums/p700/hrydnjdu/?action=view
  17. Damn URL to ******* long