
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *SpeedyGonzalez (01), Jan 11, 2013.

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  1. How the hell do I play this game?
    Wth is this
  2. hmmm.... someone please lock this. evidence that we should have a 1 day activity requirement before allowing people to post in forums.
  3. I agree evil
  4. Find a good clan, ask them for help. Forums can be scary at first.

    Good luck,
  5. Yes >:D ver scary
  6. Well first... I warn you to watch your language because you may break the ToU
  7. I tell you of terrible tales,gruesome wars and all of this is in the forums.I warn you...Forums are dangerous
  8. Lol pony what if he has a PS3?
  9. I'll help you. Obviously forums isn't feeling helpful today. Follow me back.
  10. Tis is spam
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