100% SH Rosters - Your thoughts!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. 100% SH rosters are now becoming the norm in EE, a new headache, a new problem, and clans are matched up and Bigs unable to hit any of them. Kind of like a reversal of when those pesky GH used to sit unable to hit anything in enemy roster a few seasons ago.

    So the question is, will these SH rosters be the death of EE or will they in fact be the saving grace we are all looking for?

    If you have done EE recently, you will have faced these Super Shadow Hansels with so much BFA their hit ranges are extremely high. clans have to use them to get a match up. Now these SH clans are whipping the lb/SH stacked clans, big EE clans with great win records, simply don't stand a chance against them.

    But theres something else happening in EE at the moment, theres a surge in clans not using SH, and no chance they are going to meet these SH clans either. And you know what? The wars at the other end of the scale are fantastic ... Silver, Warlor, zaft, the sweet escape, -_-friends meet here-_- ... Perhaps these clans are onto something

    I remember season 2, rostering people who were outside the GH hit range so they any we faced became redundant and useless against us

    Maybe now clans will have to start rostering to avoid the SH clans and will leave SH off rosters..

    Maybe the SH who caused this extreme stacking will actually fix the EE system and two tiers of wars will be created- SH level , and everybody else level.

    Maybe just maybe the all SH clans warring in EE aren't such a bad thing after all.
  2. Well, I am not for nor against these SSH, but personally if I were the devs I would take out the bonuses allies give to their owners during the wars. This should help, if that's what you're looking for.
  3. If they were to stick with this concept then yes, a saving grace. But I guarantee they will get fed up with fair roster matching, and start LB/SH stacking again. Swings and roundabouts
  4. They're an exploit build, something that was never intended to happen, just like the original hansel build. Unlike the original hansel build however, I expect that they will be nerfed... Perhaps through some kind of equipment restrictions, or a cap on BFA, but they will be nerfed.
  5. What was the original hansel build?
  6. Look at me. Look at my stats. I am a hansel. Named after it's maker.
  7. Though afaik it was only guilds way back when the build was conceived.
  8. Stupidest thing to happen to Kaw
  10. I recently warred against PA with a new clan and both sides had all sh on rosters
    Made for a very interesting 1on1 situation.
    Imo it's great to see a matchup so close in stats. With the usual lopsided ones that we always see the complaints about.
  11. @Reaper, so basically you are saying make BFA void in EE?
  12. I disagree with Reaper.. You know how hard it is to get huge bfa? :lol: they should at least be able to keep the trillions theyve spent to war.

    Now, on topic, i absolutely HATE sh. I hate the build, hate what it does to EE and hate being an exploit. Its ruining EE (yes i know im a sh but i love EE) plain and simple. I feel theres an easy-ish solution to this. I think that we should set it up in groups or categories to give fairer matches.

    For example, in competitions, there are groups that are based on how many people you have, or how big you are. Im not sure if this has been put into forums but it probably has: Have the cs and bfe potential* of the whole roster be averaged and depending on the average you could fit in different groups. For example

    Group 1A- 0-50mil bfe / 1-2mil average cs
    Group 1B- 50-100mil bfe/ 2-3mil average cs
    Group 2A- 100-150mil bfe/ 3-4mil average cs
    Group 2B- 150-200mil bfe/4-5mil average cs

    And so on and so forth. Of course devs can broaden and change groups.

    *Now by bfe potential: This means devs will factor in the potential bfe of the roster if everyone was wearing all that they could. This eliminates the ridiculous sh dropping equip problem and forces them to wear equip. Even if they dont its still factored as if they were.

    This makes it so sh either grow or just hit clans even with each other and mids can be re introduced to warring. This also destroys the whole drop equip strategy thats suddenly popular

    Idc if its TL;DR... its worth the read
  13. Will not be a saving grace until the hit range is drastically adjusted on the SH or plunder mechanics are changed.


    I say even with full clans of SSH. The still have the hit range to hit most mid size players. All of the clans you mentioned as being on the other end of the scale are able to stack several top 200 ally LB and other LB (over all top 4k or higher easy).

    I remain skeptical of the community being able to self correct this issue. Short of a community wide imposed ban or some strip project on all SSH to remove the BFA, I believe this issue will continue like the GH issue did until the devs decide to "correct" it. If history is any lesson it will take another season and more chaos wars of "testing" before anything happens.

    I say another season and more chaos wars of testing because the devs would rather try new gimmicks "different Ko/war types" than to have to adjust the basic mechanics (plunder or builds).
  14. I am fine with all SH rosters, especially starting this weekend i am experimenting with an all top 1000 ally LB sh roster, with my dad, Vandaddy and 3 other sh in top 300 ally LB.

    Sucks to suck, people are going to manipulate the game no matter what we say or do vix, ive been here since december 2009 and its been going on since the begining of the game. ive learned that to deal with it you gotta be better than the manipulators at manipulating the system, then they might stop eventually, thats one of the reasons im making this undefeatable sh roster, i figure that if i get the top 4-5 sh on kaw and go make an EE clan so we match these rosters and smack them around they'll stop...
  15. One of the saddest parts is what even OSW has become vix, its all about who is the best at cheating in kaw during osw, who can accnt share without being caught, who can buy discount nobs without being caught, who can get the best bot to avoid the developers catching them...etc. one of the reasons ive stopped osw all together unless its a personal problem.

    People will always find ways around the system, stripping sh, or waiting around for the community to fix itself will never workout, i say if you can't beat them join them and beat them at their own game.
  16. The all sh clans are beating them at their own game ... The only way u match one of these clans is if ur stacking 7-8 sh (a few have to be big sh) and a few bigs/lb it's the only way to match them in the current system

    Meaning that the clans that are really good at stacking to try to get easier matches are the only ones getting screwed by these all sh clans

    So support this is just fair play turnaround screwing those clans that stack that much
  17. Sh fix is easy. Dont be a ***** and war big.
  18. Bump. Be more helpful than vulcan
  19. As someone who warred with broken sword in the Arcadian empire (for those who don't know that water birth of pure SH rosters) I think it's awesome. You can't complain about not stacking right.
  20. :roll: um actually broken started that in AoC unfortunately and not your precious TAE
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